« on: September 17, 2016, 12:18:59 PM »
http://www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=Zomia Win/Mac/Linux/etc
https://github.com/globalcitizen/zomiaRoguelike game set in ancient Yunnan: a wild land where the longest and most powerful rivers of Asia emerge from Tibet to flow down through tropics to the world's great oceans. Hemmed in by steep and ancient mountain topography, malarial jungles and hostile neighbouring civilizations, it is a region shattered in to many distinct ethnic and religious groups, each with their own culture and language. Who will unite the peoples of Zomia and bring peace to the land?
Zomia is a roguelike loosely based on the ancient history of the Zomia region, centered on Yunnan, in what is now far southwest China. The area borders Tibet, northeast India, Burma, Laos, and Vietnam and is a naturally spectacular setting. This is the author's first roguelike.
The overall concept is fairly large, spanning wilderness, factions and procedurally generated plot and therefore means Zomia is a potentially long term (read: unfinished/unfinishable) project.
That said, the first (cut-down) version (v0.0.1) was released for 2016 ARRP. Because time was short the decision was been made to simply focus on dungeon mechanics and ignore the town and wilderness, despite those both being quite well started and critical to the larger concept. Therefore this is more of a coffee break style playable dungeon with critters in more of the standard fantasy genre than later game versions.
Later game versions should be relatively less fantasy-inspired, more historically accurate with much more backstory/town mechanics/above-ground exploration/plot development.
The inspiration comes from twisting my ankle in Vietnam, having too much time stuck on the couch and wanting to learn Lua. But... err... also from my research in to Yunnan history which has been slowly progressing for about 15 years including a currently underway re Wikisource translation of a 1000 year old text from the Nanzhao period and a narrative, synthesis-style ancient history book that I am writing on the region. This information, already hundreds of pages, will eventually be used to inform the game world.
A development log is available, and you can also check out the brand new (September 12) beta gameplay preview video! (No audio unfortunately... as the in-game audio really is pretty damn good!)
Interesting features:
Arcade visual effects
Sound and Music
Tracks / footprints
Procedurally generated tile graphics
Attempted port of Brogue's dungeon generation to Lua

Such a major project/freaking great backdrop should all long term goals be reached, and for dev to have only started back on Sept 2 having this much already even roughly situated. Perhaps the first Roguelike to arise even partly to spite an ankle injury? ARRP 2016 is on fire!
« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 10:07:32 PM by getter77 »

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training