Author Topic: Developing a world generation algorithm  (Read 20736 times)


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Re: Developing a world generation algorithm
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2013, 10:03:57 AM »
I just assumed Roguelike fans were well versed in classic gaming. Early RPG's like Dragon Warrior, action/quest games like Zelda, Early Editions of Dungeons and Dragons. Super Mario Brothers 1-3. Arcade classics like Donkey Kong, Galaga...that sort of thing.

EDIT: It will be interesting to see what comes out of the minds of people who lack those reference points. Most the time when I'm thinking up a game idea I get stuck at, "How do I make it more like Zelda/Gauntlet/Bubble Bobble."


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Re: Developing a world generation algorithm
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2013, 11:58:04 PM »
That's a way to see it :P

Well, I know I should be somewhat versed in those games, they're probably the closest a game will be to mine, so getting ideas or investigating them would be wise.

I started drawing the tiles for the map, while still working on the generation, I'm wondering, is there any way to draw a 16x16 tile alone so that it resembles a mountain or that it's taller than the grass surroundings other than drawing a stand alone mountain every tile?


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Re: Developing a world generation algorithm
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2013, 09:54:15 PM »
Yes, this is necro'd, I know.

However, this is a great topic, and I am sure that other people besides the OP would like a decent solution to this; as an example, I stumbled here by doing a Google search for this exact same thing.

Found a site where the guy that created Realm of the Mad God stepped you through his island generation, and he also uses Voronoi diagrams as a starting point, he starts, however, with 1000 points.

His goal was to get decent looking islands, and his method is based directly from that goal... however, by seeing how he makes his decisions, it may help guide others.

In addition, his results are impressive, realistic, and extremely useful if his needs match yours... and he even gives pointers for how to improve this.

Very worthwhile read.  <-- Article <--  Demo


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Re: Developing a world generation algorithm
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2013, 02:33:55 AM »
Dude the whole genre is necroed.  :P