I've used Allegro for many games, because it was simple and had low hardware requirements. When making my recent game, I started with Allegro 4.x, but had to switch to Allegro 5 due to better unicode font support. But now trouble has started, on some Windows PCs the game runs really slow, due to problems with hardware acceleration and/or D3d, and doesn't start at all on a Windows 7 on Vmware. Furthermore, there are performance issues, as some drawing primitives are much slower than in Allegro 4.
Does anyone have any recommendations on a simple library that doesn't get in the way too much? All I need are drawing primitives, bitmap and truetype fonts support, and portability between Linux and Windows. I know many people use libtcod, but I think it's too constraining for my needs, as I'd like to be able to draw anything I want on the screen, as opposed to using a pre-made console. But maybe I'm wrong about it. And I don't know how well it runs on older computers.