Grats! I'm very glad to see that almost every reported bug is fixed.

Hm, I have question. Built-in bug reporting system is your thing, ie sends raports to you, Zireael? Or there is standard ToME4 feature and reports are send to DarkGod?
So, while I don't know it, I will be post reports in this thread...
Leveled from 3clvl to 4clvl. I had 1 available stat point and I tried to increase my WIS stat from 7 to 8.
Lua Error: /mod/dialogs/LevelupDialog.lua:812: attempt to index a nil value
At [C]:-1 __newindex
At /mod/dialogs/LevelupDialog.lua:812 incStat
At /mod/dialogs/LevelupDialog.lua:137 fct
At /engine/ui/ListColumns.lua:462 onUse
At /engine/ui/ListColumns.lua:134 fct
At /engine/Mouse.lua:56 receiveMouse
At /engine/Mouse.lua:94 delegate
At /engine/ui/Dialog.lua:602 mouseEvent
At /engine/ui/Dialog.lua:343 fct
At /engine/Mouse.lua:56
After that my WIS skill increases.
I was walking... No more...
Lua Error: /mod/class/Object.lua:102: attempt to index a nil value
At[C]-1 __index
At /mod/class/Object.lua:102 lightTurns
At /mod/class/Object.lua:89 act
At /engine/GameEnergyBased.lua:82 tick
At /engine/GameTurnBased.lua:46 tick
At /mod/class/Game.lua:736
Hyenas and Duragear are displayed as 'h' letter in tile mode. Sea cat as a 'c'.
Some strange thing in refreshing infos.
'place' (fore example 'tunnels, dungeon level 2') and 'level up!' refreshes after player move
amount of skill points refreshes after spending one of them; before this, skill points looks like set to 0.
I was fighting with two enemies; recently I summoned mounts and my horses attacked enemies
Lua Error: /mod/class/Actor.lua:786 attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'max_wounds' (a nil value)
At [C]:-1 __div
At /mod/class/Actor.lua:786 deathStuff
At mod/class/Actor.lua:904 onTakeHit
At /mod/class/NPC.lua:204 onTakeHit
At /mod/class/interface/ActorLife.lua:42 takeHit
At /data/damage_types.lua:48 defaultProjector
At /data/damage_types.lua:81 projector
At /mod/class/interface/Combat.lua:397 dealDamage
At /mod/class/interface/Combat.lua:245 attackRoll
At /mod/class/interface/Combat.lua:124 bumpInto
At /mod/class/Actor.lua:1170 attack
At /mod/class/interface/Combat.lua:710 provokeAoO
At /mod/class/Actor.lua:358 runAi
At /engine/ai//talented.lua:64 doAI
At /mod/class/NPC.lua:44 act
At /engine/GameEnergyBased.lua:126 tickLevel
At /engine/GameEnergyBased.lua:62 tick
At /engine/GameTurnBased.lua:46 tick
at /mod/class/Game.lua:736