
I'll try it out either tonight or Wednesday, depends on when I finish up a small upgrade to Demon.
I got a Fighter to 6th level or so.

I got into a D&D group a month or so ago, but I found myself wanting just a litttttle bit more D&D than the few hours a week that provides, so I found this at a good time.

Some feedbacky stuff / questions:
* It's pretty fun.

I'm looking forward to playing more, especially with item flavors working.

* Are scrolls supposed to be infinite re-use?
* I had a lot of trouble staying fed (though it didn't seem to matter that I ended up Starved!), is there some way to use the corpses to get food ala Stone Soup? I tried just 'using' them, but that just got rid of them.
* My Shaman started with Cure Light Wounds, but couldn't cast it for some reason? Other spells seemed to work as expected for a non-prepared spells class.
* Veins' interpretation of Mobility (+4 AC permanent instead of +4 AC vs. opportunity attacks) is reaaallly powerful. Not sure I can think of a character it wouldn't be my first pick on.
* Speaking of feats though, the only time I could see what feats did was in the Bonus Fighter Feats UI. Is there a way to see that normally?
Going to try mages out once I get the bleeding edge thingie, those are where my heart is anyway class-wise.