Author Topic: Anyone know how to program the console like screen on the forum like this one?  (Read 6631 times)


  • Newcomer
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Hello RPG programmers,

I found a game called zomband at

The only thing that caught my interesting is console like screen in the middle of the game screen. Does anyone know how to do that? It look like a challenge to code it.

Thank you for any replies,

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  • Rogueliker
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    • SquidPony!

In Java anyway. My library (SquidLib) provides a standard JComponent that you can put text onto in a grid, like in a console but with more control. This means you can add that component to any Swing interface however you like.

In Attack The Geth (my 7dRL this year) I used three panels so that my map, text log, and stats would each have their own font and grid size.