Okay, here's some further information. More is on the way.
GENERAL INFORMATION ===================================
Project Name: Corrupt
Genre: roguelike platformer
Player(s): 1
License: Freeware
Source: Closed
Platform: Windows PC
Language: C++
Libraries: SFML (Media control)
Engine: Corrupt original
Version Control Software: SVN (Tortoise)
SCREENSHOTS ==========================================

The title animation for the project.

Title screen.

The interface for naming the PC.

The equipment menu.

The map.

The main in-game menu.

Debug mode.

Item pick-up prompt.

A PC taking some damage.

Level advancement screen.

Control configuration screen.

Map editor.

Animation editor.
@ekolis: The staff is broken into divisions: A code division, a sound division and an art division. With a number of team members within each division it becomes easier for a general manager when he or she has the help of several competent and dedicated leaders. Sadly, the code lead had to return to their day job. Considering freeware development pays less than it should, I can't say I blame him. He is still available on the group IRC channel from time to time -- Anyone is welcome to drop in and say hi!
See us at "#projectcorruption @ irc.esper.net"!
If anyone has any further questions, I'd love to hear them!