I recently found this:
http://gamedevgeek.com/tutorials/managing-game-states-in-c/and I was thinking of utilizing this idea for a roguelike game, to handle the menus and what not. Would it work? If so, then I'm curious about some fine points:
1. is it possible to dispense with the singletons (singletons are usually considered bad practice and for good reason -- see here:
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/scottdensmore/archive/2004/05/25/140827.aspx and here:
http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/singleton.html)? E.g. they say "only one copy of the state objects is needed" -- but then to me it's obvious:
just make one copy, don't bother with a singleton!
2. thinking about the future: suppose, instead of just having a simple text-based ASCII game, we move on up to one with more sophisticated graphics, such as sprites, and we have animations going on in the world view in the background of our menus. Yet the game loop would be in "menu state" at that time, yet the background still needs to be updated. Edit: I suppose this isn't much of a problem, since the renderer would render the background first anyway every frame, so it should know about the animations and so update them accordingly.
3. would a separate game state be needed to handle (c)hatting with various NPCs in the game? Note this can display menus (alternative dialogue options) when it's happening.
4. commands that change game state: to get to the menus, you obviously have to input a command. But suppose the game loop is like this:
1. Handle input
2. Do logic
3. Render
Then if the game is in "Game" mode, if it gets an input to bring up a menu, thus switching to "Menu" mode, the state of the game FSM has changed and so now the loop will call the logic function on the menu, but the menu hasn't rendered yet. So what do we do?
5. return from commands: suppose we press "d" for "drop item". The game changes to menu state, with the inventory menu. But now, the menu will return an item index of what item to drop... and then what? The system switches back to game mode? If so, then how does that returned index get to whatever (and where should this code be)
actually does the dropping? I.e. when it goes back to game mode, how do you make sure it remembers that it was in the middle of a "drop" command and more importantly, how does the menu system return the value of the selected item to the game mode?