Sounds like a nice idea. I might try and contribute something (no idea what, yet) - do you have any more guidance for contributors? i.e. article length, style guide, review format, examples of the kind of articles that you'd like etc?
If the answer to that is 'no' then I strongly recommend you put something like that together. I understand if the instinct is to not be too controlling but in my experience a lack of editorial vision is usually the kiss of death to these things. You also shouldn't be afraid to turn down contributions or demand re-writes. The lower the quality of submissions you accept the lower the quality of submissions you'll get. For that reason alone I'm inclined to agree with the suggestion to make it quarterly rather than bi-monthly - you can be a bit more selective that way.
That's a good suggestion, I'll be sure do that. As I said on #rgrd last night, this is the 'community' zine, not the 'one guy with a large opinion talking to himself' zine. This is what I have so far. Feel free to make suggestions.
Regarding the article length, the general layout still hasn't received the finishing touches, so I'm not quite sure what exactly we can accommodate. Anything between a half and three A4 pages (including images) in 1 pica size (12 pt), is practical. A half A4 page is a little bit on the short side, but if it's not mostly images then that would be okay as well. I'll be able to give more precise guidelines later.
The main topics of the magazine are gaming, design and development. The first two are probably most interesting for players, the last two are more interesting for devs. This separation will also be present in the finished magazine. Any article being submitted must fit into one of these categories.
'Gaming' is to cover actual game reviews, discussion of events and topics in the RL gaming scene.
'Design' is to cover, well, game design from a non-technical standpoint. A lot of this is already being done in the blogosphere right now.
'Development' is to cover the technical aspects of RL making. This includes not just articles on algorithms and data structures, but also the review of libraries and technologies.
EDIT: I should probably add that good spelling is a requirement. I am fairly proficient in English, but I'm not a native speaker, so if I was forced to correct a badly written article I would most likely screw up.