Author Topic: Yanotavar, formerly known as Iso-Angband (now at r005)  (Read 17175 times)


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Re: Yanotavar, formerly known as Iso-Angband (now at r002)
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2013, 12:14:14 AM »
That's pretty cool looking.

Does it run fullscreen too?

I noticed the terminal windows. Are they all completely separate windows, or all windows within the main window? (Hope that made sense)


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Re: Yanotavar, formerly known as Iso-Angband (now at r002)
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2013, 10:43:55 AM »
The silhouette sprites are awesome looking, good job. Are you planning to make similar for players, or just sticking with the @?

Thanks :) I want to keep the @ as a tribute to roguelike tradition. But I want to give it different colors by player class, and I think Angband has some support for that already, but I haven't found out yet how to configure it.

And suggestion when you get to the varying, maybe modify the town generator to be a bit more interesting? (a circle around the stairs, maybe a river going through the town with bridges over it, trees, etc :P)

I want, but I'm not sure of the right way of doing it. I could modify the Angband town generator itself, or I could try to fake some decoration on the display level. I assume some day I'll modify the Angband base code anyways, but at the moment I feel a bit undecided about the right way to do it. A better town is on my list, though.

Also, how big is that window, and will the top right box be hide-able?

The main window is resizeable, so you can adjust it to your needs. You can have up to 8 sub-windows, and in the Angband display options you can choose what information each sub-window will show. The map display will work only in the first sub-window though, the one labeled "Angband". I might supply a smaller font as well, so that the sub-windows can show more information in the same space.

The menu box can't be hidden, but you can drag a terminal window over it and make use of the space (I hope that this actually works correctly).

That's pretty cool looking.

Thanks :)

Does it run fullscreen too?

Yes, you can edit the lib/user/sdlinit.txt file and change the line "fullscreen = 0" to "fullscreen = 1"

I noticed the terminal windows. Are they all completely separate windows, or all windows within the main window?

SDL supports only one real application window. The sub-windows for the terminals can't be displayed outside the main window.

At this point I want to send thanks to the original authors of the main-sdl.c who made the subwindows and all the goodies available. My work is really just some refinement of existing code, and the new map display.

There is a new version out, with some more monster and item graphic configurations, and a reworked menu area, which makes better use of the screenspace:

Download, Windows version (5mb):
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 09:15:32 AM by Hajo »


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Re: Yanotavar, formerly known as Iso-Angband (now at r004)
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2013, 11:53:23 AM »
I didn't have much time to test this release, so there is a chance that many things don't work as intented.

Change list (from memory):

- Basic sound support
- Configured a lot more item graphics
- Better cursor support e.g. for the look command
- Some traps are visible right away

Windows version, 3mb: