Author Topic: 100 Heroes (Now at Alpha v0.15)  (Read 9856 times)


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100 Heroes (Now at Alpha v0.15)
« on: March 29, 2012, 11:58:21 AM »

Hello, venerable Bay12ers, purveyors of justice and all that is right.

I've been working ever so slowly on my Python skills over the past year or so, and after overcoming several conceptual hurdles a couple of months ago, I actually managed to pull together something.

This has manifested in the form of a relatively simple, but hopefully reasonably interesting 'roguelike' I am choosing to call '100 Heroes'. It's coded in Python, with the Libtcod wrapper, and you will need Python installed if you want to run it.

The premise is that you play the role of a retailer in a small town beset by troubles, in the form of a dastardly set of dungeons springing up in the locale. You can immediately see a nice gap in the market to trade in the tools of war, and through shrewd buying / selling of goods, you have an opportunity to make a tidy profit. Amongst all this are 100 persistent heroes, from 12 factions, who mill about the world, going about their business.

The heroes themselves are very abstract, but they do have simple needs which drive their purchases. I've got some loose plans around making their behaviour more complex, and there is a fairly straightforward route to giving them all individual opinions about the various factions of the game. As with any new feature, it's a matter of coding it, which won't happen any time soon, but maybe (hopefully) I will get another spurt done in the next few months.

Some Features:
*Realistic shopkeeping simulator, including a month by month ledger recording all your transactions.
*100 heroes persistent throughout the world at any given time. When the corpse of a hero finally rots in a dungeon, a peasant or noble will rise to fill their shoes (not yet though, doesn't quite work).
*Merchants. A particular type of hero who will come to town, looking for goods or with a healthy cargo of new supplies.
*Too many surnames beginning with the letter ‘H’. Hockadays, Hodkinsons and Horgans of the world finally get a game with which to vicariously live out their desires to work in retail in a high fantasy setting.
*Player knowledge system: Start off an ignoramus, slowly and methodically pick apart the details of the world to become something akin to the Hugh Scully of generic-fantasy-land.

Some goals:
*Slow, fun gameplay to try and create the means with which the stories of these heroes can be told, set against the backdrop of the player making money by the accrual of knowledge, good pricing and stock control.
*The world should change, dynamically, in accordance with the amount of evil left in the world. Heroes plundering dungeons and killing monsters are also killing dreams. Without Orcs, the visiting marching band of Pixies start to come to town more infrequently. And possibly rampaging Balrogs if the heroes bring the wrong stuff out of the dungeon.

Hope one or two of you would be interested in having a play about, it would be cool to get some feedback or thoughts or anything really. I am inexperienced in coding, and I have got some plans to do more work on it, but don't let that stop you if you want to offer any particularly cutting commments.



Compiled version for those not souped up on Python directly care of the generous CultRL dev:

Gotta say, this looks to be rather promising in general aside from going in a rather different direction against the norm.   8)
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 12:15:49 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: 100 Heroes (Now at Alpha v0.04)
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2012, 11:48:47 AM »
-Code clean-up to faction house / dungeon location functions
-Weekly Stock Take for non-player shops. Values reset every sunday night, by appraiser
-End of the month tax introduced
-Months now respect correct number of days
-Merchant behaviour / activity tweaked downwards
-Heroes rot after 15 days deceased, to be replaced by a new hero
-Some message tweaks
-Logging messages default to 'off'
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: 100 Heroes (Now at Alpha v0.05)
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2012, 01:14:55 AM »

I've just implemented a main menu and a savegame function which appears to be working as expected (plus some graphical tweaks - glowing things on the map).
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: 100 Heroes (Now at Alpha v0.06)
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2012, 12:00:40 PM »

I have been working through getting the evil and chaos in, designing some systems around that, but still not really got too far with the implementation.

It's happening, slowly, but as I plod through and fix bugs etc. I am getting slightly worried as the Dead start to walk the earth, oblivious to their ailments, that if I'm not careful I'll break more than I fix.

I'm therefore doing a bit of a release 'as-is' for record / backup purposes mainly (which seems round about somewhere semi-stable, although I'm not 100% I've fixed the last bug that I was tackling).

I'll feel a little bit more comfortable about the future sweeping changes I'm eventually going to make, and I may as well post the link here should anyone wish to play about. Hopefully I'll do a corresponding .exe build later on today.

*New font
*Random map generation commenced. Semi-random town layout created on new game.
 Town area centralised
  Streets Set up
  Auction House Positioned at Crossroads
  Foundations built, stores placed for each faction, Levels etc. of stores not currently randomised.
  Dungeons placed randomly, with additional extra future dungeon zones retained
*Female forename database added, female heroes birthed in to the world (50/50)
*Dungeon name databases added for randomisation
*Mouse over shows heroes in main screen
*Added 'Shop Open' and 'Taking Offers' global options (allows player to control how heroes interact with his/her shop)
*Merchants entering town 'with a cargo' often bring the item type that the town shops have the least of - to try and keep heroes in certain types of equipment after a few months.
*Dungeon population subject to 'churn' to try and maintain an ideal population of monsters over the long term.
*Monster population increases locally on hero death and increased level.
*Dungeon gold increases on increased level.
*Added Individual hero information screen 'H'
*Reworked activitylog. Heroes make notes as they do things.
*World evil/chaos measure shown on screen.
*Chaos counter introduced which spawns new dungeons based on a set rate
*Evil counter introduced, currently unused.
*More text added for more actions.
*Help screen updated
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: 100 Heroes (Now at Alpha v0.06a)
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2012, 07:31:04 PM »
.exe now up alongside with proper saving saves.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: 100 Heroes (Now at Alpha v0.10)
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2012, 11:51:42 AM »

*End game when the Tax Man gets ya
*Basic monster generation in
*Monsters spawn from dungeons and roam towards town
*Contract Interface System set up
*Contracts implemented for dungeon delving. Hero's collect loot for the player (or shops)
*Contracts for hunting monsters
*Introduction Screen for new game
*Game generally continues on destruction of shops
*High Score Table
*Player gets to put in their own name
*Tweaks to balance all round

.exe en route when the dev can.   :)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: 100 Heroes (Now at Alpha v0.10)
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2012, 12:19:47 PM »
edit: also .exe posted, follow link in OP  :)

He he! That was quick!

Thanks getter77.

Also I have a highscore to beat, to tempt you all in to trying this thing out ;)

« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 06:12:03 PM by mendonca »


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Re: 100 Heroes (Now at Alpha v0.11)
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2012, 12:03:40 AM »

*Hero 'AI' tweaks (returning heroes should be a little more dynamic, tweaked ascend / descend probabilities)
*Bugfix - occasional crash when hero wanted to make a note of the item they just bought from the player
*Possible bugfix if Auction House has been destroyed (shouldn't be able to try and enter via 'a' key)
*Colour coded messages
*Can now 'Call over' heroes. Tout for business for those engaging in retail-based activities. Cost to personal reputation with Hero.
*Can cycle through text sizes with PAGEUP to 'change resolution'
*Variable game speed (four speeds from slow to daft)
*Re-balanced game on new hero behaviours
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: 100 Heroes (Now at Alpha v0.15)
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2013, 12:16:32 PM »

*Hero AI rewrite, each guild gets different personalities based on Loot, Wealth, Leadership, Balance, Contracts, Glory, Social and Knowledge

*Sales metrics introduced to better inform hero sales decisions, personality based; generally:
-> Balance: Heroes seek out unpopular shops
-> Wealth: Heroes seek out popular shops, lots of sales
-> Loot: Heroes seek out shops, lots of purchases
-> Social: Heroes seek out popular shops, attendance

*Heroes come to town more often if the contract list is well populated (i.e. lots of work available)
*Dungeon crawling logic rewritten based on contracts and personalities
*Phases of operation for heroes should clear up behaviour a little;
*Better transparency for hero decision making in general
*Basis laid for Mayoress, noticeboard, and contracts, implemented in part.
*Some rumours started, but no effects on behaviour yet.
*Contracts moved to a new class, data storage and methods etc.
*Monsters moved to new contract / decision flow system.
*Dungeons expanded slightly, with floor by floor features that can de discovered, with different effects for each feature.
*First pass on game balance for new systems. (might be a bit out - happy to take comments)
*Numpad works where numbers are viable input.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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