I am going to try and do a 7DRL. I have the idea, and although it is far from original, it does have a little twist. I am going to call it Escape from Lab 45 (I always make a title first

. You start on level 10 (?) and must make your way to the top. The lab was a secret government project developing a virus to reanimate the dead. (As I said, not original.) Of course, it all goes to pot, the Zombies get out and everyone has been turned into a Zombie, except you.
When the Zombies got out, a self-destruct sequence was activated giving you 60 minutes (I may make this variable as a sort of level difficulty, say 60-30-15) . Here's the little twist though: the timer runs in real-time. It will be a turn based game, but the timer will tick in real-time.
Now, you may think that you can just run to the top as fast as your little fingers will carry you.. Not so fast. The self-destruct sequence also locked all the elevators, so you need to activate each elevator before you can exit the level. Each activation will be different on each level (finding a key, entering an access code, etc.). All the while, the clock is ticking...
That is the plan at least. Of course, I haven't done any coding or anything, this is just all in my head right now. But, if i can pull it off, it may be an interesting diversion.