Author Topic: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)  (Read 25870 times)


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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2013, 02:52:06 AM »
working on an update that changes the gameplay. basically the player will still have the Deck, but they will not be able to reuse cards. Clear will still reshuffle the deck, but once a spell is used it will be gone forever. I also plan on doing multiple characters. and each character has a different Deck.

next I have a plan to build "Adventures". these will consist of just data from XML files. It will set the Area, Monsters to use for that area, and also adventuring text. so as an example the first adventure I am building is the "Cavern of Skulls". Its adventuring through a cave with rats, skeletons, and eventually liches.

Also all heroes will be named, and have small decks built of ten to 15 cards. the first one will be Desmond the Wizard.

the Good news is I will probably be teaming up with people to create new adventures and new heroes. I have been thinking about creating a system to let people make their own adventures and trade them, but I dont know how well it will work.


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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2013, 08:03:51 PM »
New updated file. it now has the adventure built from my Quest data file, The cavern of skulls full of Rats, and skeletons. I want to add Liches, but they have a code problem with spawning skeletons. so adventures are really easy for me to build on my end. the current XML looks like this

<Quest Name = "Cavern of Skulls" Treasure = "Crystal Skull" Difficulty = "1">
   <Floor Area = "Cave" Monsters = "Rat" />
   <Floor Area = "Cave" Monsters = "Rat,Rat,Rat,Skeleton" />
   <Floor Area = "Cave" Monsters = "Rat,Rat,Skeleton" />
   <Floor Area = "Cave" Monsters = "Rat,Skeleton" />
   <Floor Area = "Cave" Monsters = "Rat,Skeleton,Skeleton" />

I can set each individual area and also the monsters. Next I want to add a way to write flavor text for the in-between sections. so I can have more dynamic adventures. like you travel through the woods, then come to a cave and I can have  a screen with something like "upon Exiting the woods, you located the Cavern of Skulls". give some context and help to make it feel like a real world.

Darren Grey

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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2013, 01:33:44 PM »
Just gave this a go.  It's very fun!  Feels similar to 86856527 in a lot of ways, but with the deck-building expanded it'll become more individual.

I don't like the spell control scheme though.  Transferring to a list all the time is quite painful.  I'd much rather have icons on the top row for the 3 cards and a reshuffle icon, with 1234 as keyboard shortcuts for them.  You could have tooltips (or long-press for tooltips) to state what they do.  And this system would make it clearer that using an ability causes it to be replaced - you could have an animation of a card flying out from the deck for instance.  Here's a mock-up:

Hastily done artwork there...  Obviously would be hard to match up with your current blocky style, but personally I think it's okay for UI elements to look different from map elements.

I changed the skull to blood because I think that makes more sense in the game. Currently it's confusing that skeletons don't give kills, especially since they look like the kill counter!  To make it extra obvious you could have drops of blood appear from enemies when they're slain.  If an enemy gives multiple counts it would have 2 drops appear, etc.

I still need to hook up with a programmer someday and do some collaborations. I really want more graphical RLs on iOS and android.

Hah, I'd leap on that if I knew anything about iOS/android, or had halfway decent programming skills  :-/  But you seem to be quite capable yourself, in both design and coding.  Just ask for help more when you have programming problems.

So the biggest problem I face right now is thinking of spells.

Well I'm sure I can think up a few...

Pull - draw all enemies towards you
Dig - destroy walls 2 spaces in each of the cardinal directions; will also kill stone enemies or enemies inside the walls
Infection - All enemies adjacent are poisoned and receive 1 damage next turn. If next to another enemy the infection spreads. When used correctly it can cause a wave of death.
Wind - Move all enemies one square in a specified direction
Confuse - All enemies confused for one turn - they move randomly and may bump and kill each other
Rush - Move up to three squares in a direction - if hit an enemy attack it
Warp All - Randomly teleport everyone, including yourself
Time Freeze - All enemies inactive for 3 turns
Sacrifice - Reduce everyone, including yourself, to 1 HP
Traps - Add a single-trigger spike trap to each of the diagonal spaces around you
Invisible - Makes you invisible for 3 turns as long as you don't attack anything
Regen - Gain 1 HP per turn for the next 3 turns
Brute - Do 2 damage in melee for the next 5 turns
Power - For the next 3 rounds all cards used have double effect
Minions - Summon friendly skeletons in the available space around you. You can swap places with them. They don't last to the next level.

Some enemy types:

Knight - Has an armour layer. One hit will destroy the armour, second hit will kill. But fire spell (and maybe other stuff) will kill it in one.
Bloat - Kills 1HP enemies next to it, absorbing their HP. Very dangerous around a Lich...  Maybe gets slower as it has more HP?
Troll - Has 3HP, regens 1 HP every 3 turns
Ghost - Moves through walls
Giant Mole - Digs through walls
Spiked Knight - Same as Knight, but with the armour on it causes 1 damage when hit with a melee attack
Assassin - Invisible except when next to you
Fire Sprite - Throws fireballs which move 1 square per turn towards you (and continue behind if you dodge, potentially hitting enemies), also immune to fire and it hurts to hit them in melee
Wisp - Teleports randomly each turn. If next to you it will attack and then teleport away.

But then I think that really doesn't convey the spell deck idea. And it seems like two different ideas. So I might save that for a future project and just keep building on it. Since limiting the monsters to settings might unbalance the game. Also in difficulty it would have a Darren setting.

Hah, I always appreciate harder difficulty settings  :)

For the whole deck-building thing, you might consider a race/class system.  3 races with their own deck, 3 classes with their own deck, and a few base cards like wait a turn. That would be 9 combinations. There could also be extra cards one can pick up by beating bosses in the game. Some could be powerful artifact cards that are permanently discarded from the deck if they're used.

A problem at the moment is monster distribution.  I think your monster generator should always spawn enemies on the same parity as the player.  This makes it harder to string easy kills.


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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2013, 03:20:08 PM »
 Changing up the deck UI is a great idea. I actually had something similar when I had just potions, but after the change to a spell deck I changed it. The biggest problem is giving the p,Ayer info, but that should be easy.

I am torn on spell decks though. The different race, class combo sounds great, but I am not sure if there will be a super powerful combination. My original idea was named heroes and that would be easier as I could build a specific deck for that character, but as I wanted to keep the spell count low. The combo idea might work giving each selection three spells. It will probably feel similar to Desktop Dungeons.

I also added chests. These just have small spells, that are not magic or anything related. Like potion, and wait.

Darren Grey

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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2013, 07:03:12 PM »
Powerful combos isn't a bad thing to have in the game. Let the player have fun exploring them and figuring them out. And let them take on bad combos for extra challenge. This happens in many big roguelikes already. Overall though no combo can be all that powerful, due to the random nature of the deck and how a card gets discarded after use. This lets you play more freely with balance.


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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2013, 08:54:41 PM »
Okay so Doing some Mockups for the UI switch. Does anyone actually reshuffle the deck? I was just wondering cause I don't think I have ever actually used it.

Darren Grey

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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2013, 09:04:16 PM »
I haven't, it costs too much. Give it for 1 kill and it would be useful. It's also nice to have to enforce the idea of a deck at hand. Still, you could just cut it and the game wouldn't be significantly harmed.


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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2013, 10:02:56 PM »
yeah. I am thinking of cutting it, but adding an enemy, that shuffles your deck.

Darren Grey

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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2013, 10:23:40 PM »
That's a pretty cool idea. Makes sense that enemies should have deck-disrupting abilities.


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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2013, 02:32:51 AM »
yeah, I should really play with the deck idea. I am also trying to figure out a way to add junk cards to your deck, but have not thought of a good idea yet. I am also thinking of maybe having monsters that add cards. like perhaps killing a lich, gives you a summon skeleton card.

working on some UI mockups, trying to see what works best.

I think either 2 or 3, but i think 2 works better. i might make the number, the same color as the blood symbol to make it match.

Edit: oh also I limited the Kill counter to 9. I think this works better as it adds a little bit more  to the spell costs and making the higher rated ones, more expensive.

 The other idea I had is changing out the kill counter to be 4 drops of blood similar to the way the hearts work. then going back to the Dot idea on the spells tiles. That might be a little more visually cohesive, but it gives me less play with spell costs.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 02:38:23 AM by jasonpickering »


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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2013, 08:17:09 PM »
another update. tweaked a bunch of stuff. I also added Monster tags, so I can mark different monsters as certain categories and then have specific spells target them. I added the newest spell "Purge". its a blue cross and costs 6. It kills all undead creatures on the current floor.

Next on the list is getting the UI running better. I need to add the ability to see what a spell does and I need to tweak the UI. I want to add a number next to the blood drop to show the cards left in our deck. Still on the fence about doing health as a number or making hearts count as 2, so there are half hearts zelda style. That would shrink the UI.

I also drew up some new enemies and heroes, I added a ninja that is only visible when in line, A Cyclops that has 2 Health although they are not in this current build. so give it a try at the same link and tell me what you think. Again I am always open to comments and suggestions.


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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #26 on: April 10, 2013, 02:27:27 AM »
Another Update!!!

this time I have added a Shield Spell that protects you from damage for 3 turns, and also a freeze spells that freezes every enemy for 3 turns.

also working on the Character system. Still on the fence about it. the system is super easy to code, so I am more worried about the art at the moment. Here is my current character lineup. and you can see I have the first 4 Classes (Wizard, Cleric, Sorceress, Bard) as Elf and Human. I just don't think it looks as good because I am forcing myself to fit into specific criteria. with the faces and body shapes. I think when I was doing the pre-built Heroes I was having a much better art turnout and it allowed for more variety in one each deck could hold.

Edit: so I have been thinking and I might still be able to create custom decks. I just need to think about other ways that the player can be changed that don't effect the art of the character. I am thinking maybe base heroes and then letting them choose maybe an artifact, that adds spells, or perhaps which god to worship and have that add spells. I would not need to show these items in game meaning I don't need to change the player art, plus I could do a lot of fun stuff with finding new artifacts for the player. I am thinking of doing it so the player has three spells, the artifact is two spells and the god adds one spell. I have been testing and six feels like a good deck starting number it's not to many, but it still makes you feel prepared.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 03:34:00 AM by jasonpickering »


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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #27 on: April 10, 2013, 06:12:05 PM »
Character Creation Mockup

still need to play with it a bit more, and feels a bit cramped at the moment, but we will see.

Darren Grey

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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2013, 11:56:31 PM »
Nice idea, and it does allow more freedom.  The race/class set-up can be a bit forced.


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Re: Dungeoneer (Temp Name)
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2013, 03:02:51 PM »
I dropped the god idea, Figure I will go wit just hero and item. Here is a more complete Mockup. Each hero or item will also have 1 to 4 spells associated with it.