Author Topic: Paranautical Activity (now at v1.9 SPOOKPATCH) $  (Read 8842 times)


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Paranautical Activity (now at v1.9 SPOOKPATCH) $
« on: May 17, 2013, 03:57:44 AM »


Paranautical Activity combines the classic FPS gameplay of games like Doom and Quake, with the randomness and difficulty of modern roguelikes like Binding of Isaac and Spelunky.

The game runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

It took a bit longer than I expected, but the megaupdate is here! As always, here’s a gameplay video to give you a taste of what to expect in the update.

The changelog for the patch is as follows:

-rebalanced early game to be easier
-rebalanced late game to be harder
-nerfed pretty much every item
-changed credit sequence
-changed health upgrades to give you full heart containers instead of empty ones
-fixed floors occasionally containing only a few rooms
-fixed bombs dealing extra damage to certain bosses and enemies
-fixed long silence between certain songs
-fixed dobee glitching out of the level (again…)
-Fixed glitching out of rooms before beating them
-added damage indicator to HUD.
-added new HUD
-added new randomized splash screens
-added new textures for late game levels
-added invincibility timer
-added 2 new floors
-added 10 new items
-added 2 new enemies
-added 5 new bosses
-added 2 new guns
-added 1 new miniboss
-added 5 new rooms per floor

Looks to be pretty spiffy work here, and the prospect of more mega-updates to come bodes well indeed.   8)
« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 12:02:50 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Paranautical Activity (now at v1.5 beta) $
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2013, 09:58:09 PM »
v1.5   Now also available on the Humble Store

We finally managed to get some work done and finish 1.5. Enjoy the new character select and tons of fixes, tweaks, and improvements!

    added character select
    -added fanart to credits sequence
    -added 2 new songs to the soundtrack
    -added new menus
    -added FOV slider
    -added loading screen
    -added short-ranged version of the magnet as default gear
    -added sickle sound
    -changed shotgun sound
    -changed guns so they cost money
    -changed Omni the octopus boss fight
    -changed attack blowfish (experimental)
    -changed hud to make it smaller and less intrusive
    -buffed bombs
    -buffed final boss
    -buffed gilead’s gun
    -nerfed bunnyhopping (on accident!)
    -fixed magnet occasionally not working
    -fixed door sounds rapidly looping when you enter a room
    -fixed audio sliders not being accurate
    -fixed being unable to jump while walking on stairs
    -fixed bombs interacting strangely with bullets and particles
    -fixed namenlos floating when he ran
    -fixed bunny hopping occasionally slowing you down instead of speeding you up
    -fixed getting stuck in boss rooms that spawn spiders (probably)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Paranautical Activity (now at v1.6 beta) $
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2013, 11:53:38 AM »

We’ve split one big patch into two smaller ones. This one adds the ninja Tenchi enemy, as well as a ton of new gamebreaking items and some balance tweaks. Expect another patch in a few weeks with even more goodies!

The changelog for the patch is as follows:

    added Tenchi Ninja enemy.
    added arrow traps
    added new miniboss
    added 8 new items
    added level indicator
    nerfed most items
    nerfed lava rooms
    nerfed character starting stats
    buffed final boss. monsters she spawns no longer drop loot.

Also, probably soon to see a price increase in the near future as the game reaches an overall higher level of being in a proper state.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Paranautical Activity (now at v1.7 beta) $
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2013, 12:05:43 PM »

Official changelog thingy:

    -added 25 new items
    -added powerups
    -added superweapons
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Paranautical Activity (now at v1.8) $
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2014, 02:44:58 PM »

It took longer than I thought, but it is HUGE. The biggest patch we’ve ever released adds so much content we might as well call it Paranautical Activity 2.

The great log of changes:

-added 2 new superweapons
-added 11 new items
-added 2 new OST tracks
-added 3 new powerups
-added 3 new bosses
-added 2 new enemies
-added weapon sway
-added dark floors
-added bottomless pit floors
-added armory rooms
-added trap rooms
-added 42 new room varieties
-added pillars

-fixed firerate being broken when switching between super and  regular weapons
-fixed canobeans?
-fixed collision errors regarding particle effects and bullets
-fixed spiders glitching through walls preventing the completion of some bosses
-fixed being able to escape a room after activating it, locking yourself out
-nerfed piracy
-buffed cherry bombs
-tweaked player icon on map to make it easier to see
-tweaked david bowie class, added superweapon
-tweaked tank class, added superweapon
-tweaked hanz boss item drops

The patch is currently live on most platforms, and should be live in the coming hours everywhere. Just waiting on approval for some sites.

I’m still working with steam to fix the linux version not downloading properly, so it will be a day or so before that’s ready. As always linux users can email us and get a key for the humble version so they can play the game right now.

Patch trailer onsite as well.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Paranautical Activity (now at v1.8.1) $
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2014, 12:05:39 PM »
Small little patch dropped today. Is live already on most platforms. Should be live shortly on Humble, Groupees, GamersGate, and Desura as well.

The changelog is as follows:

fixed floor staying dark when falling through a hole in a dark floor
fixed boss health bar staying on screen when falling through a floor during a boss fight
fixed mermaid killing herself
fixed snail randomly damaging player until they die
fixed not returning to menu after credits end
fixed the golden scissors powerup removing the scissors item
fixed problem that was causing occasional stuttering
fixed crosshair showing up in credits
fixed occasionally being able to see up into the level after fallingthrough a hole
fixed shop corners not touching
fixed being able to escape the elevator after sending it to the nextfloor
fixed powerups intersecting objects

added more fanart to the credits
added proper credit for sound effects
added davy jones locker item to item pool
added unique sounds for each powerup
tweaked rocket sound to make it quieter
tweaked (SECRET SPOILER) explosive barrels to make them sometimes drop bombs and the blast shield item
tweaked special room (armory&trap room) frequency. made them more rare
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Paranautical Activity (now at v1.9 SPOOKPATCH) $
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2014, 12:04:59 PM »

The final content patch is upon us! Huge amount of content added. I say this every time, but it really does feel like a whole new game! A ghost that shows up if you take too long on a floor, gambling machines, and of course more weapons, items, characters, bosses, and more!

And as always full list of changes is as follows:

added 3 new bosses
added bouncer character
added 15 new items
added 3 new weapons
added superbosses
added casino special room
added a ghost that shows up and wrecks your shit if you stay on a level too long
added secret 8th floor
added new final boss fight for the 8th floor
added impact sounds for bullets
added ambient sounds for bullets
added fuse sound to bombs
added indicators in the elevators for what floor you’re on to replace the dumb HUD indicator
added random character button to character select
added vsync option to graphics menu

fixed text popup being colored wrong for powerups
fixed some superweapons not being centered on item pedastals
fixed new powerups not being able to spawn from power of the gods item
fixed explosive barrel fire going through platforms
fixed map going outside HUD bounds
fixed weapons not hitting enemies at point blank range
fixed being able to get into rooms without activating them when you have the mushroom powerup
fixed the rocket launcher not reloading properly when switching to superweapon
fixed being able to overcharge the sickle and crossbow
fixed bomb bros leaving behind fantom bombs
fixed item descriptions not being sized right after taking mushroom.
fixed random exploding sound triggering when entering some floors
fixed spawn room retaining early game textures in the late game
fixed tenchi and namenlos shooting through objects
fixed dynomite having the wrong health stat in character select
fixed not being able to pause when you have 0 health with the shell
fixed harp item’s strings not matching up to the harp itself.
fixed some spinning items not stopping when the game is paused
fixed menus being cut off at non-16:9 resolutions
fixed stuttering when looking at items for the first time
fixed options menus not returning to the root menu when unpausing then pausing again
fixed launcher image not being sized correctly
fixed scissors item being too low on pedastal and intersecting it
fixed coin sound getting ridiculously loud when grabbing lots of coins

tweaked plasma balls to make them spawn blood particles when hitting enemies
tweaked drop rates
tweaked character select to start on different character every time the game is run.
tweaked map to center it on player
tweaked final boss fight to make it harder
tweaked boss health bar to make transitions smoother
tweaked special room frequency
tweaked special floor frequency
tweaked left hand to cause it to stop superweapon ammo from dropping
tweaked gileads gun (buff)
tweaked mermaid boss (buff)
tweaked banshee boss (buff)
tweaked can o beans to do poison damage (buff)
tweaked hanz pistol (nerf)
tweaked bullet physics
tweaked HUD to show collected items
also a bunch of stuff I probably forgot.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training