Author Topic: Mosaic - Review by Jo  (Read 7555 times)


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Mosaic - Review by Jo
« on: March 18, 2013, 03:37:58 AM »

  Ah yes, the 7DRL is over and there are TONS of new games in the genre. Some are interesting, some are not. The game Mosaic, but Darren Grey, is one of the interesting ones.

  Mosaic is an abstract strategy game built using DarkGod's T-Engine. The goal is to enclose the board in colorful tiles. Each time you move your piece on the board you create a tile. If you surround an area the entire area becomes controlled. Sort of like the game go. It looks and sounds beautiful, having a real artsy vibe.

  Movement is in 4 directions, but you can also pull of special moves by moving your piece in special 4 part patterns. One you'll discover right off that bat is that moving 4 spaces in a straight line executes a straight jump in that direction. Pretty neat idea.

  Challenges are added each level when bad guys show up. They are rendered as ASCII sprites while the rest of the game is colorful tiles. This can seem a tad incongruous as first but you cease to notice after a couple of plays. What you do notice is that the bad guys can seriously kick your butt if you aren't on your toes. By level 8 I am handily defeated.

  I recommend this game for those curious about all the variety being released from the Seven Day Roguelike Competition 2013. It's a short form, coffee break style game you can just jump right into. It will kick your butt if you don't have the enemies figured out, so be ready for a challenge and be ready to think.