Author Topic: Warp Core Breach (7DRL 2013)  (Read 5657 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Warp Core Breach (7DRL 2013)
« on: March 16, 2013, 09:20:11 PM »
Announcing my entry for 7DRL 2013: Warp Core Breach

This is a little puzzle game written in Python with the pyglet library (no other dependencies).  Not very ambitious, but this is my first completed game since I was 10 years old and writing simple text adventures on the old Apple IIe.

The premise:  The warp core has been sabotaged and in a few seconds a stream of supercharged hyperquark particles are going to burst forth and annihilate anything they come into contact with.  Your only hope is to reconnect the hyperquark spigot to a negatively-charged antiplasma node (or whatever... it's the blue thing).  You do this by moving angled mirrors around to reflect the particle beam.  Press <TAB> to preview the course of the beam, and <R> to rotate the hyperquark spigot.  Try not to get vaporized.

I will try to figure out how to turn this into an EXE by the end of my 7 days, tomorrow, but for those who have Python and pyglet, here it is:


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Warp Core Breach (7DRL 2013)
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2013, 11:31:13 PM »
Congratulations on finishing, sounds interesting. I think my version of pyglet is rather old so I'll wait to see if you get an exe up.


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Warp Core Breach (7DRL 2013)
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2013, 07:11:59 PM »
Looks like no EXE is coming at this time.  It turns out py2exe doesn't support Python 3.x at this point, and I don't feel like converting my work to an older version of Python and pyglet.  So I doubt I'll be winning the competition but I'm calling it "done" and "successful" at this point even if nobody play tests it!  There's a screenshot on