Author Topic: A Roguelike using the Portal 2 resources  (Read 22523 times)


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A Roguelike using the Portal 2 resources
« on: September 04, 2014, 06:22:06 PM »
I was making a bunch of analysis on Pokecommunity regarding the similarity of the Nuzlocke Challenge to Roguelikes, when someone mentioned that if you played Portal in a completely random Aperture Science, and still had GLaDOS talking to you, that the story would still be in tact. That got me thinking about why no one had made a Portal Roguelike. The makers of Portal 2 have allowed for content from the game to be used non commercially in other games, so someone could easily make a tile set and use the audio from the game. So my challenge to the Roguelike community is to make a game using the Portal 2 resources. Perhaps about the Rat Man? Or even just a random version of Portal.


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Re: A Roguelike using the Portal 2 resources
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2014, 02:43:39 PM »
I have no idea how possible it is from a technical standpoint, but it seems like it would be extremely difficult if not impossible to design a system that would make randomly-generated 3D levels containing puzzles requiring the use of a portal gun (not to mention all the other puzzle mechanics in Portal 2). There's a high chance the puzzles would either be way too simple, or impossible. There's a reason games like that don't have procedurally generated levels.

mushroom patch

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Re: A Roguelike using the Portal 2 resources
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2014, 03:22:34 PM »
I am baffled that there is even one person interested in making a roguelike based on any trademarked, commercial game or other proprietary media product.

I wonder how someone could play a Portal game and fail to appreciate the essentially 3-dimensional character of the game and its puzzles. Why would you even want to try to adapt that to a 2-dimensional setting? And if you think it is a good idea, isn't this something you do yourself? "Hey guys, I got an idea, want to code it for me??"


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Re: A Roguelike using the Portal 2 resources
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2014, 07:49:37 PM »
Well, I assumed that this was an appropriate place to present a challenge for people to work on. Portal 2 has the unique situation of being a property that the creators have openly let people use resources from, such as voice clips and textures/models. I thought that it would be cool to see what different people could do with these resources. Clearly no one else is looking at it the same way I am, and I am still in the learning phase in terms of making Roguelikes. It's not that I'm trying to get other people to make it for me, I'm trying to give people a starting place and see where it goes.

I certainly never imagined anything 3D, personally. I was picturing a Roguelike with a tileset made from the Portal resources, and stuff like that. But if no one else thinks that this idea is cool, then I guess that I'll just make something from it when I can.


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Re: A Roguelike using the Portal 2 resources
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2014, 03:14:11 PM »
I like this idea, I think I will try it out


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Re: A Roguelike using the Portal 2 resources
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2014, 07:38:43 AM »
I wonder how someone could play a Portal game and fail to appreciate the essentially 3-dimensional character of the game and its puzzles. Why would you even want to try to adapt that to a 2-dimensional setting?

There is a game called "ASCII portal". According to some review, it successfully captures the idea of Portal in 2D. There is also a 2D version called "Portal: The Flash version" ( ). I have not played any of these three games.

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Re: A Roguelike using the Portal 2 resources
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2014, 04:17:21 PM »
I probably didn't go far enough in that comment -- Portal is also fundamentally realtime and first-person perspective, as well as 3-dimensional. Without those three things, there's nothing there. It's just a computerized version of a Denny's children's place mat game.

It doesn't surprise me that much that there is someone out there who would put together something like that and someone else who would review it favorably, though. I'm sure there's a SuperMarioGalaxyRL project out there and someone who thinks it totally captures the 3-dimensional, realtime gravity and spherical mechanics of the original too. There's an excess of enthusiasm for "new" in the sense of "not done before in ASCII, but done before in real games" ideas, but a dearth of genuinely new ideas suited to roguelike games.


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Re: A Roguelike using the Portal 2 resources
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2016, 07:10:55 PM »
Interesting randomly generated puzzles are thought to achive. If soeone did it though I would love to play it :) :P