Author Topic: Is Doom RL just that awesome?  (Read 35120 times)


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Re: Is Doom RL just that awesome?
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2013, 08:55:08 PM »
I've only played a few rounds of this, but I quite enjoyed it, more so after switching to ASCII. I didn't mind the tiles too much (to be honest it's my first time playing a roguelike in tiles besides a sad attempt at ToME), but I couldn't seem do very well with them for some reason...

I suppose I should actually play Doom itself, too. I don't recall having ever played it.


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Re: Is Doom RL just that awesome?
« Reply #31 on: May 08, 2013, 10:42:50 AM »
Of course DoomRL is an ascii version of Doom.

Which means it's not a roguelike. It's doomlike.

Well played. I was going to reply with "Except it plays like Rogue instead of Doom, so it's a roguelike", but that's not what I originally said at all. The blame is mine entirely. Instead of saying "DoomRL is an ascii version of Doom" (which it is most certainly not) I should have said "DoomRL is a roguelike with all the context and flavor of Doom".

Quote from: AgingMinotaur
… and it won't stop until we get to the first, unknown ignorance. And after that – well, who knows?


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Re: Is Doom RL just that awesome?
« Reply #32 on: May 10, 2013, 05:04:24 AM »
  :-* A question has come to my attention :-* lay me in the smelling salts and bring me my wine  :-* for I am about to prognosticate on the nature of this game  :-* what great and meaningful question this is  :-* the eternal question  :-* the question to end all questions  :-* the thing most important, most mighty, the thing we all must know to allow our souls to rest  :-* BUT IS IT A ROGUELIKE???  :-* The mystical mists gather before my gaze  :-* I see the answer  :-* it's coming to me  :-* the god Rodney speaks to and through me kind brothers  :-* YES! YES!!! It is!!! What glorious day!!!  :-*  We finally have an answer!!!!

Well I guess that settles it.


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Re: Is Doom RL just that awesome?
« Reply #33 on: July 02, 2013, 01:03:15 AM »
Doom RL is pretty cool! I usually show it, along with Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, to newbies to get them into roguelikes. Then I show them Dwarf Fortress  ;D


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Re: Is Doom RL just that awesome?
« Reply #34 on: July 05, 2013, 06:19:04 AM »
You sir are a cruel man.

I show them my own games first...they act interested.  :-\

I laugh then show them Cardinal Quest then to Brogue.