Thanks Darren. I think I've finally got an idea I can do justice to in 7 days. My other ideas had totally 14 day minimums.

I remember well some of your talks about 1 hit death mechanics. I'll be including that, as attacking from cloak kills just about everything in one hit. But then for 3 turns (or 4 or 5, we'll see how it balances out) you will be vulnerable to any baddies in the area.
I was thinking of making it a one hit game all around. Like you can one hit guys from cloak, and they can one hit you if you aren't cloaked. We'll see. A third resource can either over complicate or enhance. The 3 resources are dilithium fuel, torpedo ammo and Hull Points.
One thing I do know is that I'll make the most copious use of bumping.
-Scan and raid a planet for supplies - bump the planet.
-Attack and salvage dilithium/torps/titanim from the wreckage - bump.
-Refuel from a gas giant - bump
-Warp out of system - bump the edge of the screen
-Drop to impulse and explore the system - bump the system in the sector screen
-Refuel/Rearm/Repair from a friendly base - bump
-(time permitted) Trade Warheads for fuel/repair from a neutral base - bump
Ascii only. FTW.