Author Topic: Early 7DRL Declaration  (Read 61356 times)


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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2013, 06:16:30 AM »
You know, it would be pretty hilarious if someone made a mouse or touch gesture RL, but with like 72 gestures you had to learn.


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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2013, 05:34:51 PM »
OK, I decided my previous idea was boring and I'll do a time travel roguelike instead. We do need a proper time travel roguelike.

Darren Grey

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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2013, 07:28:34 PM »
ToME4 has some proper time travel, but it would be great to see a roguelike dedicated to this.


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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #33 on: February 28, 2013, 08:52:34 AM »
I think i'll try to make an 7DRL about Spy\Saboteur in hostile city.
I'll stole idea and look of houses generation from Cataclysm, but with civilians and police living in a city.
Player will have to complete different missions, such as lay a bomb in a plant or "assasinate minister". The fun part will be running (and shooting and throatcutting) from overwhelming patrol forces after successful mission. Enemies will not use pathfinding to just go to the player, but instead try to predict where player could go basing on place he was last seen or just check houses\streets for any suspicious citizens.
It seems to be slightly too much for 7 days, so i estimate my chances to successfully complete it as about 30-40%.

Darren Grey

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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #34 on: February 28, 2013, 10:31:39 AM »
Could be fun, but I'd recommend limiting it to just one mission, so the game is dedicated to the escape part (the fun part).  If you manage to get that together and polished well you can look into having more variation in starting positions.  Then essentially each new character is a new mission, rather than trying to integrate a whole mission structure into one game.


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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #35 on: February 28, 2013, 11:11:31 AM »
Yes, many random missions in the same city doesn't very differ from many single missions in the newly generated cities.
But if the city will remain the same, it will be possible to add more management, such as using limited number of safehouses to perform maximum number of missions or avoiding enemies that seen you before and know your face.
But i agree, it's better to make at least single mission working and playable.


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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #36 on: February 28, 2013, 11:53:22 AM »
Going to throw my hat into the ring this year.

Currently the idea is for a space themed roguelike with a focus on tactical positioning. So we're talking limited movement directions, swarms of missiles to evade, maybe gravity effects, a scanning system I invented for a wargame I never finished writing ( you scan someone, or they scan you, to better resolution they get free movement to represent your previous inaccurately) and anything else I can incorporate in the time.

I had thought about hexes, but maybe I should remove the grid altogether, ending up playing like SteamBirds (but with procedural levels and permadeath). Not sure how roguelike that will end up feeling, but maybe I shouldn't care too much.

No idea about the quest/setting, I'm not really bothered as long as you get to fly around and shoot/evade enemy ships, so something lightweight.


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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #37 on: February 28, 2013, 11:15:10 PM »
  About trying to adhere the rogue formula. I tend to concentrate on the procedural elements mostly. So that my games are hardly roguelike at all. Since this is the 7DRL , a quick competition, experimentation is tolerated and valued.

  I'm waffling back and forth about what to do, I was going to do a procedural comic action game, but I've since moved and my nieces are no long around. So now I'm thinking of a game in the more classic style.

  But overall I'd say that adherence to the formula is encouraged but experimentation is equally encouraged.


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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #38 on: March 05, 2013, 07:58:45 PM »
Going to take part, going to write an occult-themed roguelike using Libtcod and C++


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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #39 on: March 06, 2013, 12:25:43 AM »
  I have my design finalized. I'm totally pumped to start but am going to wait for the Saturday kick off.

  I've scrapped the comic action game idea and am going to make Bird of Prey (or Glory of Empire, or KlingonRL). A Klingon space ship game using only arrows and space bar. There will be 2 screens, the sector screen showing systems you can visit, and a screen for each system. The goal is to travel from your Klingon base, through the neutral zone, and scout the federation systems looking for the science station developing the genesis device.

  Steal the device and make it back to your base for the win!

  You will have a cloaking device, and when you attack something you will decloak for 3 turns before it re-engages. You will have limited torpedoes and dilithium. Torps are used once per attack, and fuel is used to travel from system to system. You need to conserve your resources, find good places to refuel, raid outlying systems to draw defenders away from Project Genesis, and finally do a smash and grab and get back home.

  Revolving planets will be added if there's time, but they won't add too much to the cat and mouse 'submarine' game play.

  I could just as easily make this a Sun Crusher sequel, where your goal is to secure the Sun Crusher, but everyone wants to be a Klingon captain. Just admit it!

Darren Grey

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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2013, 01:35:44 AM »
Sounds cool, especially the cloaking mechanics  :)


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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #41 on: March 06, 2013, 02:34:17 AM »
  Thanks Darren. I think I've finally got an idea I can do justice to in 7 days. My other ideas had totally 14 day minimums.   ;)

  I remember well some of your talks about 1 hit death mechanics. I'll be including that, as attacking from cloak kills just about everything in one hit. But then for 3 turns (or 4 or 5, we'll see how it balances out) you will be vulnerable to any baddies in the area.

  I was thinking of making it a one hit game all around. Like you can one hit guys from cloak, and they can one hit you if you aren't cloaked. We'll see. A third resource can either over complicate or enhance. The 3 resources are dilithium fuel, torpedo ammo and Hull Points.

  One thing I do know is that I'll make the most copious use of bumping.
-Scan and raid a planet for supplies - bump the planet.
-Attack and salvage dilithium/torps/titanim from the wreckage - bump.
-Refuel from a gas giant - bump
-Warp out of system - bump the edge of the screen
-Drop to impulse and explore the system - bump the system in the sector screen
-Refuel/Rearm/Repair from a friendly base - bump
-(time permitted) Trade Warheads for fuel/repair from a neutral base - bump

Ascii only. FTW.


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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #42 on: March 06, 2013, 04:52:27 AM »
If I read the rules correctly, are you allowed to define your own 7-day span as long as it starts within the appointed week?  Or are you limited to only the 7 days beginning midnight saturday?  I am thinking of doing one from monday to monday.  I have an idea for a kind of roguelike puzzle game to test my newbie game programming skills.


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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #43 on: March 06, 2013, 05:31:13 AM »
  Well Joeclark you can do that, just lie about it and release it Sunday night.  ;)


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Re: Early 7DRL Declaration
« Reply #44 on: March 06, 2013, 06:35:37 AM »
I believe what was said is that so long as you start within 12 hours of the start time, and finish before the 7 day mark, it should be fine. Basically, if it could be that time somewhere in the world :P

And hm, I dropped the old idea, seeing as how it's my first roguelike I want to go simple and stick to the roots, as it were. The game is going to be "Rogue Arena", using mechanics from Rogue, you will be in a colosseum-like arena run by Rodney, fighting waves of enemies for glory. After getting the basic game done(shouldn't take too long since I'm not balancing things myself :P) I will add features, such as pleasing or upsetting the audience to get them to throw money / stones at you, and shops between waves to buy new items and equipment.

The only thing I'm not sure about is the graphics. I'm going with text based graphics, but I'm not sure if I want to go with more classic Rogue style graphics, or make it a bit more modern. Maybe if I have time I'll do both with an options menu or something  ::)