Hey thanks. With 20x20 pixels to deal with, there are only so many styles that work. It looks like I'm more influenced by old DOS games, like Commander Keen, and old NES games like River City Ransom with the big eyes and what not.
Here's where Lich Mummy is at right now.

I really like the sludge monster and the naked rat man. The goat man really needs work, I'm not satisfied with the snake either. The scroll might be my fav right now.

I've not included a lot of shading. Not because I lack the skill, which I sorta do, but because I find with these small sprites a clear image is far more important. I've seen people trying to shade the Oryx 8x8 sprites, for example, it's ridiculous. Clear sprites, with outlines if you can spare the pixels, are much more clear.
Opinions can differ.