The board is set, the pieces are moving.
Nearly three years ago I uttered those same words when releasing the first beta of ToME4.
Before that there were 20 closed alphas and since then 43 betas and 4 RC releases, all played and loved by an increasing number of players, now over ten thousand.
During all this time my goal has never changed: to build a game that is both deep and complex but also fun and as accessible as possible. I have never believed in grinding, and have in many cases gone against the "traditional roguelike way" and I have always done it with those goals in mind.
Today is payoff time! For three years I have worked extremely hard on this game because I fell in love with it and I am blessed because others did too: great, fun, nice people; some of which also helped in the making of the game; each in their own way. To them, and to all my players, I send a huge "Thanks, I love you girls and guys!"
Without further annoying chit-chat, and with immense pleasure, I give you: Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.0.0
Go download it from you wish to help me a little more you can do two things:
- Send a donation, they really help: Go vote for ToME on Steam: go have fun my minions, live and die in Eyal!
Also, trailer there: