Author Topic: Does anyone play Moria anymore?  (Read 20228 times)


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Re: Does anyone play Moria anymore?
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2013, 04:10:30 PM »
I've been playing (non-color) moria 5.5.2 at work(!) periodically.  I didn't think it looked enough like a game that anyone would catch on... then, a few weeks ago, a coworker looks at my screen and says...

"Is that... rogue?"

I almost fell out of my chair!  It's a small world.  I've never even seen rogue... I though being a moria player set me apart a little, but this guy really has me beat!  Needless to day, I gave him a copy of the game. :)  ...Using the corporate shared drive. 

I'll post my game updates to the thread that Munge mentioned.  It seems like a better fit. 

BTW, Brogue looks awesome, but it definitely looks like a game!