Author Topic: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.7.3)  (Read 535528 times)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #150 on: April 25, 2013, 11:17:46 AM »
As a Mage, having a way to "equip" my favorite upgraded wand instead of the starting one would be really Nice.
( And Yeah keeping it after resurrection would be nice too )

Thanks for your game. It's definitely the best mobile roguelike.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #151 on: April 25, 2013, 11:45:42 AM »
gravling - question mark button does almost exactly what a stethoscope would do ^_^ .
Septa - long press an item in inventory or long press the weapon button.
Losing a wand is a pain in the ass, and if you take a mage seriously it's a reason enough to start over. Hint: wand of firebolt is your best friend.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #152 on: April 25, 2013, 11:53:15 AM »
If you are a rouge, and come with a Ring of Shadows, and find another ring of shadows and wear it -- you can wear it forever and it will never be identified for you.
Not saying you're wrong, but it takes rings a LONG time to get ID'd by wearing/use. 

if I just managed to burn 4 scrolls of upgrade in a terrible accident with a fire trap, is there any chance that I will enconter more of them?  Or should I just start over?
You might as well try to survive, but there are limited upgrade scrolls and strength potions.  Once they're gone, they're gone for good. 

doctor.  Has increased healing rate.  Special object: stethoscope.  The stethoscope is implemented as a wand -- just the graphics are different.  If you zap a stethoscope at a monster it tells you how many HP it has, and whether it is resistant to poison, fire, etc.  Also whether it is currently burning, poisoned, etc.
I would say it should replace/upgrade the question mark button, not be a wand.  I think you can already see a monster's status effects by using the question mark button. 

If you burn all the vegetation in a garden room, I think it should lose its ability to heal you.  But if you use a wand of regrowth to recreate the vegetation in a room that is all embers now, whether or not it was a garden room, I think there should be a small chance that what you create is a garden room.  This means that people with both a wand of regrowth and a wand of fire could make a garden room in any of the first 10 levels, which I think would be fun.
That's a cool idea, but managing to find both of those wands is extremely rare; might be too uncommon a scenario to bother with special coding for.  Wand of regrowth could definitely stand to be more useful though!


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #153 on: April 25, 2013, 12:28:51 PM »
gravling - question mark button does almost exactly what a stethoscope would do ^_^ .
Septa - long press an item in inventory or long press the weapon button.
Losing a wand is a pain in the ass, and if you take a mage seriously it's a reason enough to start over. Hint: wand of firebolt is your best friend.

Wow ! It works.

Now I juste need to pass the goo with a mage. Each Time I've got two or three Nice Wand before the level 5, he crush me.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #154 on: April 25, 2013, 02:08:37 PM »
I never tried the question mark on a monster!  Ha!  More fool me.  Thank you.

I don't think you would need special code for the wand of fire + wand of regrowth, once you have the code that the wand of regrowth occassionally makes a garden room.  You could burn up the vegetation tiles any way you like -- with a wand of flame, or my most common case, having a blazing weapon set a monster on fire ...

It would be interesting to me if the blazing gear came with a downside as well, and burning up your garden room would definitely  count  ;)

about the 2nd ring of shadows -- I know it takes a long time to identify rings, but I think this is a 'never happens'.  It may be about 2 rings of the same sort, but I haven't had 2 of any other sort to test.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 02:13:56 PM by gravling »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #155 on: April 25, 2013, 02:51:31 PM »
If u identify the ring effect,you will identify it permanently,but, if u find another ring with same effect you won't know is cursed or how much is upgraded.

My suggestion is:you can't find two rings with same effect(makes you find more ring effects)

In my head:a lots and lots of uncommon potion effects,enchantments and scroll effects make game a lot random,a lot of possibilities,endless fun.  :D
Just don't judge me on this I just spread a possible ideas...


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #156 on: April 25, 2013, 07:45:49 PM »
Right now the cogwheel button duplicates the functionality of the home button.  Is this because some android tablets or phones do not have a home button?

At any rate, I would like to add a new UI button.  It's functionality is 'resume travelling to the last place I tapped as my destination'.  It's nice that the game stops and lets you know that 'you noticed something' or 'you are starving'.  And fights, of course, interrupt your travel in wherever you tapped to go.  But on a small phone like mine it is a
real pain to have to find the destination again and then tap it again, especially since the optimal zoom size for seeing the whole floor is not the same as the optimal size for killing things.

This 'resume travelling' button is not original with me.  CyberKnights uses it.  You can test out how it works at if you are interested.  It's one of the things I like best about that game.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #157 on: April 26, 2013, 12:03:58 PM »
Finally beat the game with all 3 classes.  Great fun!  Crabs on 3, and getting past the goo are the most difficult parts.
about the 2nd ring of shadows -- I know it takes a long time to identify rings, but I think this is a 'never happens'.  It may be about 2 rings of the same sort, but I haven't had 2 of any other sort to test.
I was playing as a rogue, so I had the ring of Shadows pre-identified.  I found a 2nd one and put it on.  It was cursed, so I used a remove curse scroll, but then for the purposes of testing, I wore it for quite some time - the upgraded/degraded status never became revealed.
Right now the cogwheel button duplicates the functionality of the home button.  Is this because some android tablets or phones do not have a home button?
Isn't that called the Back button?  Anyway, it's not necessary on my phone either. 

At any rate, I would like to add a new UI button.  It's functionality is 'resume travelling to the last place I tapped as my destination'.  It's nice that the game stops and lets you know that 'you noticed something' or 'you are starving'.  And fights, of course, interrupt your travel in wherever you tapped to go.  But on a small phone like mine it is a real pain to have to find the destination again
I like this idea, but it should only be shown if there is a "previous destination" to resume travelling to, and normally be invisible.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #158 on: April 26, 2013, 10:03:36 PM »
I do not know how you get to quote things on this board.

At any rate, on CK the 'resume travelling ' button defaults to 'where you are right now' if there is no destination.  This makes it (in CyberKnights at any rate) easy to tell that you do not have a destination set.  Here it might be
better differently.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 08:01:25 AM by gravling »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #159 on: April 28, 2013, 08:46:04 AM »
I started a new warrior, kicked butt all the way through, here are more discoveries/questions/opportunities!

-He did identify a ring of shadows from wearing, so it is possible, there's just a bug in it somewhere. 

-I tried a Wild weapon.  The enchantment needs to proc WAY more often, or it's just useless, you're better off attacking stuff 1 at a time in a doorway.

-Right now the highest level "fast" weapon is the Mace, tier 3, 14 Str requirement.  Is there going to be a better Fast weapon added? 

-The wiki ( ) suggests that none of the weapons are actually fast, but knuckledusters and maces DO seem to be, to me.  What's up with that?  Also, it says daggers are, but it doesn't say that in-game. 

-Can an enchanted weapon ever go above +3 without losing the enchantment?  I have a Venomous Mace + 3 and I don't want to lose the venom :)

-I have FIVE upgrade scrolls saved up, and a bunch of weapons /armor I could use them on.  What needs testing? 

-I am at 15 Strength (4 potions drank), do you guys think I'll be able to find another Potion of Str?  I've finished depth 14 once or twice.  Character level 17 presently. 


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #160 on: April 28, 2013, 12:02:45 PM »
I started a new warrior, kicked butt all the way through, here are more discoveries/questions/opportunities!

-He did identify a ring of shadows from wearing, so it is possible, there's just a bug in it somewhere. 

Did he find 2 rings of shadows?  The bug isn't 'the ring of shadows isn't identified' but rather 'your second ring
isn't identified if it is the same type as one that you are already wearing.  I've tested this now with 2 rings of
evasion.  It may be 'with a second ring of the same type identified in your inventory', but I didn't think to test that
until after I died.


-The wiki ( ) suggests that none of the weapons are actually fast, but knuckledusters and maces DO seem to be, to me.  What's up with that?  Also, it says daggers are, but it doesn't say that in-game. 

In your inventory it says that a dagger is rather fast.  But I think the knuckleduster is faster.

Interesting thing I learned today -- the fountain of healing also removes the curse from cursed rings you have equipped.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 03:06:12 PM by gravling »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #161 on: April 28, 2013, 05:36:16 PM »
-The wiki ( ) suggests that none of the weapons are actually fast, but knuckledusters and maces DO seem to be, to me.  What's up with that?  Also, it says daggers are, but it doesn't say that in-game. 
In your inventory it says that a dagger is rather fast.  But I think the knuckleduster is faster.
I just checked again.  In-game, daggers read as Accurate, not Fast. 


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #162 on: April 28, 2013, 08:01:48 PM »
I hate to ruin this but you shouldn't write much about your playing,and your stats and that.On this topic is talking about the game,not someones gameplay....

But anyways:
-Can an enchanted weapon ever go above +3 without losing the enchantment?  I have a Venomous Mace + 3 and I don't want to lose the venom
You won't lose Venom...Your Venom enchantment will be more common,I think?

Also,I'm trying to somehow get glaive fit my str points and than.Its possible by my guessing,but I want to prove it correctly.
And I found a rat on the trap.Traps are sometimes under the chests and items,this makes very annoying when collecting scroll and burning it at same moment...  :(
My skills are better but my luck not,and this thing is moving,very very a lot


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #163 on: April 29, 2013, 10:02:31 AM »
If you are a rouge, and come with a Ring of Shadows, and find another ring of shadows and wear it -- you can wear it forever and it will never be identified for you.
I've just checked it, there is a bug indeed. If some ring is identified, another ring of the same type won't get identified automatically. It will be fixed in the next update.

If you burn all the vegetation in a garden room, I think it should lose its ability to heal you.  But if you use a wand of regrowth to recreate the vegetation in a room that is all embers now, whether or not it was a garden room, I think there should be a small chance that what you create is a garden room.  This means that people with both a wand of regrowth and a wand of fire could make a garden room in any of the first 10 levels, which I think would be fun.
That's an interesting idea, but I've changed the Garden room already, in case of fire it restores itself and it will never turn into Embers. Also it doesn't heal you, instead it hides you from enemies' eyes.

...And Yeah keeping it after resurrection would be nice too
I will implement it a little later, because leaving a mage without his wand after resurrection is unfair.

Right now the cogwheel button duplicates the functionality of the home button.  Is this because some android tablets or phones do not have a home button?
Isn't that called the Back button?  Anyway, it's not necessary on my phone either.
I don't remember why I thought that duplicating Back button by "cogwheel" button was necessary :) I will remove it.

At any rate, I would like to add a new UI button.  It's functionality is 'resume travelling to the last place I tapped as my destination'.  It's nice that the game stops and lets you know that 'you noticed something' or 'you are starving'.  And fights, of course, interrupt your travel in wherever you tapped to go.  But on a small phone like mine it is a real pain to have to find the destination again
I like this idea, but it should only be shown if there is a "previous destination" to resume travelling to, and normally be invisible.
I like it too. I'll try to implement it, but probably not in the next update.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon
« Reply #164 on: April 29, 2013, 04:37:56 PM »
I've changed the Garden room already, in case of fire it restores itself and it will never turn into Embers. Also it doesn't heal you, instead it hides you from enemies' eyes.
Doesn't heal you?  Oh no!  What is hiding you supposed to accomplish?  Just give you time to regenerate on your own without being attacked?  If so, I think you should implement a "wait X turns" or "wait until full health" function, rather than clicking wait/search so many times in a row.
I'll try to implement it, but probably not in the next update.
When do you expect the next update to be, and what else have you changed?  Looking forward to it, thanks!