got overconfident though and wasn't watching my health while fighting the Tengu. I died while fighting him and I even had a health potion left. totally my fault, should have beat him easily. I had taken off a lot of his health and was probably really close. just got careless.
Same problem here

I always been so good to get to final boss everytime but with these classes,its became hard again.
Every boss expect final one is easy to beat with..
toxic gas potion!Yeah,i use it to defeat goo and Tengu very easly!(if u now how to use it very good)
I'm still good enough to wear scale armor at the 3-4 depth,but it isnt good enough to beat goo...
Im still learning with these classes to get to the 6 depth.
toxic gas potion is so awesome!Identify it soon as possible,and then you can throw it on goo(requers 2,with 1 need the "finish it",throw one in room where goos sleeps,run,throw one in hallway when goo appears,win) and Tengu(throw gas potion in corner and Tengu will chill there,dying...)
Another tip for Tengu:use curare darts(those who can has paralysis) and potion of levitation(helps to get pass traps)