Okay. So I got this up and running. It looks pretty good. there are a few times when areas will be generated that you cant get to. I just need to run a Flood Fill to make sure all areas are connected, and then remove the spots you cant get to.
Try It!( Space will generate a new Floor)
And here are my steps:
1. I started off with a full forest of small trees
2. I randomly cut down a bunch of the trees
3. I randomly choose an entrance and exit
4. Next I checked to see if there was a path from entrance to exit
5. I went through and started carving out sections based on Sides and a random chance. Chance being smaller for fewer Sides.
6. Added trees based in the larger open areas
7. Checked the path again. if no path went back to step 5.
8. Did Level Clean up, getting rid of any single spaces surrounded by trees and had a chance to turn 4 neighbor trees into one large one. Add grass and rock Ground Tiles
I think I need to change the tiles a little bit, with the pointy trees it can be hard to see the grid structure. which might cause problems with people moving.