Author Topic: ChaosForge Donation Drive! (completed in fine form!)  (Read 6610 times)


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ChaosForge Donation Drive! (completed in fine form!)
« on: October 30, 2012, 02:27:12 AM »,6009.html

Peril has struck the 'Forge and we need your help! The ChaosForge development PC had a hardware failure and does not boot reliably any more -- time to buy a new PC, and do upgrades. I'd like to humbly ask you for a donation. If the free ChaosForge games have given you a good time, now is the best moment to give something back to help out!

This time, however, I want to do things a little differently -- I want to give you, the donator, something back. Inspired by Kickstarter reward tiers, I decided to do something similar, and to see if it provides an incentive, and to see if it is the right way to go :). The prizes below are for donations done during this Donation Drive only and will be unavailable once it ends!

All of the rewards are digital, because due to the urgent and unexpected nature of this situation, we didn't have time to prepare any physical ones :/.

Also, while the chance of going much over the goal is not big, I promise to have some strech goals planned if it does!

    -$16 - Beta Access to all current ChaosForge projects, Supporter status on forum, my deepest thanks, and your name/nick on the next DoomRL version supporter list (startup screen). Unlike a normal donation, your name/nick will be featured on a supporters section on the revamped DoomRL website (before the year ends), with an optional link and/or comment (nothing offensive).
    -$32 - The above + your name/nick (or fictional name/surname as long as it is not too silly) will be added to the list of random names (the ones that are picked when the player doesn't enter a name), only if you want to of course!
    -$64 - All of the above and co-design a unique for DoomRL (it needs to be balanced though) that can be named after you (as long as it's not downright silly) -- an example is Malek's Armor. They will be rare to spawn *OR* be used in AliensRL with restrictions in the nature of the weapon for the latter. Additionally, you can choose for us to use your name (or fictional non-silly name) in the plot of AliensRL.
    -$128 - All of the above + design/co-design (you give the idea, we handle the coding) a special level that may randomly spawn in DoomRL when playing Angel of 100. The level cannot have any new types of enemies but can feature your item *OR* your chosen name may be a major villain/character in the plot of AliensRL.
    -$256 - All of the above + Supporter of Chaos rank on the forum. Including access to the Temple of Chaos where future projects are decided and early access (TBA) to the Next Project (TM) -- shape it from where it begins! Also, your name/nick will be permanently on the startup screen as special thanks.
    -$512 - All of the above + we'll do a DoomRL mod by your design to be available using the upcoming mod server. It can be even a Total Conversion (support will appear with the next version) as long as it won't take more than a few days to complete. Unfortunately, graphics cannot be included :/. You will be listed as the author.
    -$1024 - (just for completeness' sake) All of the above + special PERMANENT rank on forum (your choice of title) + a single version of the ChaosForge roguelike of your choice done and dedicated in your name.
    -$2048 - (just because it's fun :P) All of the above + and I'll take part in the next 7-day rogue-like competition realizing your idea (with as much design input as you want to give).

So please, help the ChaosForge survive! And spread the word among fellow ChaosForge players -- we need all the help we can get!

Head to the donation page and help out!

Oops, answers were generally found a page deeper I think....perhaps that should be moved up a bit?

Campaign Goal: $2048.00
Due Date: Nov 24
« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 10:35:44 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: ChaosForge Donation Drive!
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2012, 11:04:05 PM »
  With all the good stuff this guy puts out, I'm sure he'll get some donations.


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Re: ChaosForge Donation Drive!
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2012, 02:33:22 PM »
Thanks for letting us know Getter.
Donation on the way of course.
What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.


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Re: ChaosForge Donation Drive! (Funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2012, 11:20:05 PM »
Stretch goals!    8)

First of all, a big thank you to everyone who donated -- I still can't believe we reached the goal in such a short time! As promised, the campaign continues (for equipment and time for the 'Forge), and I'm now publishing the stretch goals. Deadline for the campaign end is November 20.
DoomRL had additional content planned for the pro-players -- Dual Angel and Archangel challenges, and "Challenge" feature for specifically set up levels with given constraints. But now, I have decided to extend that to all players. Challenge games can include, for example, Gauntlet-style infinite arena challenges, Imp-only massacres, or even maybe versus bot deathmatch games.  Challenges will also have their own leveled rewards (badges/medal style). Additionally, on the day that the mod-server is finally up and running, I will include the ability to download new challenges directly from within DoomRL.
DoomRL is scheduled to be released at the end of this year, and it's ALL about additional content (interface and graphics upgrades will be the topic of the next version to come).

    -for each $256 over the $2048 goal I'm going to design and add an additional challenge game mode for all levels of play.
    -each $256 over $2048 I will also give a new special level -- half of them will be added to a pool of possible levels for the main game, the other half will go towards A100.
    -each $512 over $2048 will also add a new level *type* to the DoomRL generator.
    -if we reach $4096, I'll do everything possible (probably getting additional hands to help with that) to make the Mod-Server available at (with new and old mods, and possibly also TC's if I can prepare them in time) with an online site to go with it.
    -at $6144 we'll hire help, and do a full network integration of DoomRL -- cloud-based saves and player data, automatic signature presentation of progress, a personal page on the forum where you can show off your results, global high score tables -- the target is high because this is something we cannot do on our own, and will need definitely investments :/.
    -$8196 - LOCKED!

If there's anything you'd like to see here, please post! Even if you don't have a specific idea just a vague direction, I'll take it into account - we still have 2 weeks left!

Remember also, that all individual donations during the drive period *stack*, so if you do another donation, you'll upgrade your reward too!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: ChaosForge Donation Drive! (completed in fine form!)
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2012, 10:37:57 PM »
Done with the first 4 goals and overall a 218% of the total...update post will get added here when it lands.   8)


A bit late, but happy, and grateful nonetheless!

First of all a BIG THANK YOU to all that participated. I didn't expect such a reaction, and thanks to you ChaosForge progress has resumed with a new fire -- the results of which you will soon witness!

But enough of the tears, here are the results:

ChaosForge Donation Drive

Campaign Goal:$2048.00
Due Date: Nov 21
Total Receipts: $4670.16
PayPal Fees: $201.97
Net Balance: $4468.19
Above Goal: $2420.19

What does that mean in regards to the promises?

Donator rewards:

    17 people donated at the $16 level -- will be awarded a mention on the website
    18 people donated at the $32 level -- as above and their nicks or chosen names will be added to the list of random names at release
    11 people donated at the $64 level -- as above and there will be a rare unique in the game in their honor!
    1 person donated at the $128 level -- as above and there will be a special Ao100 level in his honor
    2 people donated at the $256 level -- as above and they already became Supporters of Chaos (although one of them already was!)
    1 person donated at the $512 level -- as above and we'll work together on a DoomRL mod for the upcoming server
    1 person donated at the $1024 level -- as above and he'll get his unique forum rank soon :P

As to the specifics of the donator awards, I'll be contacting the people involved before comes out. Stay tuned!

Stretch goal rewards:

    9 new challenge modes will be added at lauch!
    9 new special levels will be added at -- 4 in the main game, and 5 dedicated to Ao100!
    4 new level types will be added for!
    MOD SERVER will be added to!

When can you expect those goodies? Well, if everything goes according to plan, before the year ends you'll have your hands on the content update version :). And if you're a donator (and most of you reading this probably are), you're going to enjoy the first BETA version of *this month*!

Again, thank you for all the support, the 'Forge is strong, thanks to YOU!

These next few months for DoomRL and Chaosforge in general are going to be quite the delicious bit of sheer madness.   8)  :o
« Last Edit: November 24, 2012, 12:51:21 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training