Author Topic: Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition (The Healer DLC) $  (Read 37866 times)


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Brian Emre Jeffears
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Many thanks, getter77!  Things have been crazy working on the game and getting it out on the market, but "The Pit" is doing very well. We are pleasantly surprised that so many people are enjoying it.


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This game is quite good.

The graphics and atmosphere are very nice. The ranged combat is quite fun. I especially like the assault rifle.

I love how fast and smooth the character movement is. I almost forget I am playing a turn based game sometimes. I wish Dredmor was this fast.

I'm not too fond of the controls though.

A little annoying how when you use a crafting machine and try to make a recipe that fails, the machine is no longer usable. I don't see why trying to use a cooker to cook old bread and cheese would render the cooker useless afterwards.

It would also be nice to be able to actually name your character instead of having to play the same 3 pre-named characters.

The intro story text also goes by a bit too fast. It would be nice if there was a key press prompt to move along to the next bit of text instead of automatically going.

Aside from those couple complaints, It's all rather enjoyable.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 01:35:17 AM by Legend »


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Re: Sword of the Stars: The Pit - (now at v1.0.2.0 full game out!) $
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2013, 11:29:30 PM »
Here's hoping the post-release support continues on strongly as it seemingly gets going  with v1.0.2.0

New Additions
- Two new monsters
- Five new recipes
- Four new items
- Two new weapons
Critical Fixes
- Fixed Shrinking Inventory / Dropped Item crash
- Fixed Projectile crash
- Fixed equipping/dropped armor crash
Other Fixes
- Fixed various outlying issues
- Greek letters on key-card doors no longer display when door destroyed
- Characters wearing self-contained armor or who are immune to radiation no longer affected when in an irradiated room
- Play Again remembers Difficulty setting
- Fixed Hero Sotswich achievement unlocking prematurely
Other changes
- Added reload value to weapon stats
- Irradiated rooms now show effect for visual warning
- Tweaks to auto-save to make it more robust
- Three auto-save slots, one for each character class (meaning you can now have three different games on the go , one for each character)
- Added mouse targeting for weapons
- Increased force field belt duration
- Added access to SotSDex in main menu
- Decrypted recipes messages now unlock recipes in SotSDex automatically
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Sword of the Stars: The Pit - (now at Easter update) $
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2013, 11:58:21 PM »
An update for Easter as the game continues on successfully:

We are going to take a couple days off, enjoy the West Coast spring weather, eat way too much chocolate, but never fear, we have some treats for you. Sword of the Stars: The Pit has just been updated with;

- 7 new achievements!
- 3 new weapons!
- 2 new monsters!
- Basket-load of new Easter items!
- New recipes and messages!
- Plus a whole bunch of tweaks and additions by popular demand!

Have a great long weekend everyone! How deep can you get into The Pit over the break?
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Sword of the Stars: The Pit - (now at v1.0.3.0 Easter update) $
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2013, 05:50:04 PM »

Couldn't find any easter baskets. :(


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Re: Sword of the Stars: The Pit - (now at v1.0.4.0) $
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2013, 01:08:03 AM »

Critical fixes:
- Fixed rare keyboard crash a couple players reported.

Other fixes:
- Fixed (finally) bug: Burst-fire sometimes misfiring when poisoned/choked.
- Fixed bug: Level up sound playing when earning first experience in new game.
- Fixed attack animations holding last frame while shot travels to target.
- Fixed bug: Charge Hub infinite XP exploit.
- Fixed bug: Selection color in recipe list for crafting.
- Fixed bug: Enemies occupying the same square.
- Fixed visual issues with attack animations.
- Fixed bug: Interacting with devices while blind causing Outline to disappear.
- Fixed bug: Skill/Stat modifiers not showing descriptions when loading save game.
- Fixed bug: Extra ammo/items being discarded when picking up loot with full inventory.

Additions and changes:
- Enviromentally sealed armors now protect against gas attacks.
- Added notification if player equips a weapon they don't meet the requirements for.
- Added HUD toggle.
- Quantum Scan Helmet now reveals props.
- Adjusted monster variety on Floor 30 on Hard/Insane difficulty.
- Added dragging item onto another of the same size to swap positions in inventory.
- Added more info to SotsDex entries for weapons/armor/characters.
- Added moves remaining to HUD.
- Added grouping similar items when auto-sorting inventory.
- Added log entries in SotSDex for experience earned.
- Added context menu for shortcut items in Inventory.
- Auto-targeting will track last target.
- Skills now show stat contribution.
- Biomods/Keys grouped together in SotsDex, including post-identification.
- Energy Drink reduced speed increase from 2 to 1
- Changed recipe failure dialog colors. Green for success, yellow for valid but failed recipe, red for invalid recipe.
- New recipes and monsters.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Sword of the Stars: The Pit - (now at v1.0.4.0) $
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2013, 12:29:35 PM »
Mind Games expansion is coming:

Kerberos Productions announces Mind Games (or do they?), an upcoming expansion for Sword of the Stars: The Pit that will add new characters and gameplay along with additional content to their sci-fi turn-based strategy game. They say this should launch in July after a beta in June, which players will be able to join if they preorder the game. Here's a feature list:

        -2 New Playable Characters to choose from! In addition to the original game’ Marine, Pilot and Engineer characters, a new Human Psion is added and the first playable alien — the Tarka Ranger
        -10 New Floors of ancient, evil science to beat — in addition to the original 30
        -New Room Types, including Open Artificial Areas
        -New traps, new weapons, new items, and new recipes
        -New game mechanics, including Psionic Powers
        -New Psionic monsters and enemies drawn from the Sword of the Stars universe
        -2 New Play Modes, “Infinite” Mode and “Seriously?” Mode — a Level of Difficulty Beyond Insane
        -Expanded Meta-Game aspects, including the Ability to “Bank” XP and spare items during one session and start the next run of the game on a deeper level, with your “Banked” starting equipment.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Sword of the Stars: The Pit - (now at v1.0.4.0) $
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2013, 05:30:45 PM »
  I've been playing this one a bit, just the demo, it's pretty solid.


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Re: Sword of the Stars: The Pit -Mindgames Expansion $
« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2013, 08:54:48 PM »
Mindgames now available on GoG and probably elsewhere in short order:

    Two New playable characters; the Human Psion and Tarka Ranger – the first playable alien character!
    2 New Play Modes; “Infinite Mode” as well as “Seriously? Mode”, for those of you that find “Insane Mode” isn’t insane enough!
    Ten new floors of ancient, evil science, including wide, multi-level biospheres, add to the challenge!
    Expanded meta-game aspects, including the ability to “bank” XP and spare items from one session and start the next run of the game on a deeper level, using your “banked” equipment.


Have you found the cure to the plague yet? Even if you have, there’s more to The Pit than you at first thought, with lots of new areas to explore, items to find and new dangers! The Pit: MindGames gives you even more old-school dungeon-diving in the Sword of the Stars sci-fi universe, letting your test your skill against The Pit using the mysterious and gifted Solforce Psion officer or the Tarkan Ranger – the first playable alien character!

The Pit will only give up its secrets if you survive and to survive you need to explore the powerful and deadly potential of your mind! Mens agitat monstra!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Sword of the Stars: The Pit -Mindgames Expansion $
« Reply #25 on: July 02, 2013, 10:43:54 PM »
Just in time to hear the new Roguelike Radio episode on the base game!

Includes great tips from TorNis who has beat the game multiple times on the hardest difficulty!


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Re: Sword of the Stars: The Pit -Mindgames Expansion $
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2013, 06:36:09 AM »
Hey everyone. This is a VERY solid game.

It's now available from GOG in a special RPG bundle.

I bought it not just for The Pit but I was also liking the looks Anodyne and Evoland. The others could be good too.


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Re: Sword of the Stars: The Pit Mindgames Expansion v1.1.1s $
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2013, 03:38:05 PM »

- Biome levels optimized, monster spawning correct.
- All ally issues have been addressed. In theory. Smiley face.
- Imaginary grenades from imaginary crazy humans no longer do real damage.
- Psi-boosters are now consumed when used.
- Psi-war armour now increases Psi power regeneration.
- Use of Psi powers now increases hunger.
- Sound data corrected.
- Range issue with psionic attacks has been corrected.
- Issue with Psi attacks being automatically successful has been corrected.
- Ranger corrected, no longer able to equip heavy armour.
- Fixed floor transition issues.
- Bank locker issues addressed.
- Creature tooltip no longer showing when they are invisible.
- Lifesense reveal of invisible creatures fixed.

Other Changes and Additions
- Psionic Skills no longer receive bonus from Brain attribute HOWEVER all psionic skills are now only one point to increase at all times.
- Bonus recipes!
- Bonus Canada Day/Independence Day Long Weekend Armour/Armor)!

Thanks to everyone for your patience of the last two couple of days - we added in a few bonus items as a thank you. Have a great weekend!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Sword of the Stars: The Pit Mindgames Expansion v1.1.2 $
« Reply #28 on: July 10, 2013, 12:11:17 PM »

Critical Fixes
- Fixed crash when starting Infinite Mode.
- Fixed crash when abilities targeted at empty space.
- Fixed cone fire weapons getting stuck in infinite loop.
- Interrogation Pods no longer booby-trapped indefinitely.

Other Fixes
- Mechasense animation now displaying properly.
- Chance to resist Paralyze optimized
- Duration of Psi Power Paralyze optimized
- Poison effects optimized.
- Split Biome levels into 3 floors.
- Fixed bug where wrong floor would sometimes load.
- Fixed bug with level up sound playing out-of-place after banking experience.
- MechaSense now displays at same time as LifeSense if used at same time.
- Manipulation now working properly on closed doors.
- Psi regen properly displays rest & normal regen.
- Fixed issues with Starlance.
- Temporal Ejector is now destroyed after use.
- Immunojolt now properly consumed after use.
- Fixed game effects for new traps not working all the time.
- Various UI tweaks
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Sword of the Stars: The Pit Mindgames Expansion v1.1.4 $
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2013, 11:53:08 AM »

- Expanded tutorial.
- Various corrections to final level.
- 3 new monsters!
- Various Psionic ability adjustments.
- Notification of unlocked Psi abilities added.
- Fixed Cybergiganto not being marked a Cyborg.
- Fixed Lightning Spear.
- Fixed Tarka Warhammer.
- Fixed Pulsar Pistol using incorrect amount of energy cells.
- Corrected Infinite Mode issues.
- Meditation Chamber effects no longer persist indefinitely outside of chamber.
- Added auto-learning for using psi skills.
- Fixed some text errors.

- Fixed minor tutorial bugs
- Fixed a couple of issues with allies and their interacting with traps.
- Fixed JaegerC. It is no longer an unstoppable nightmare of death and pain that leaves whole cities wailing in despair.
- Fixed minor visual bug with Warhammer
- Fixed issue with Crazed Human
- Added 2 additional psi shortcuts
- New tutorial achievement fixed.

- Lightning Spear now takes wear and tear damage.
- Player character no longer responds to NPC Psi attacks not directed at them.
- Herbert can no longer be killed during tutorial. Now the most dangerous man alive.
- Fixed Ally ammo issue.
- Various tweaks and fixes to Psi abilities.
- Exo-Armor must now be equipped before it can be used as a tool in certain tasks.
- Various UI fixes and tweaks made.
- A couple of un-triggerable achievements now work as intended.
- Cryoid now has proper "cold" effect.
- Gloves now take corrosive damage. Will properly flash when they've taken too much damage.
- Bio-mods can no longer be stashed (due to their randomized effects per game).
- Armor damage no longer binary - lower end armors now more durable and higher end armors now less invulnerable.
- Disintegration Bay now deactivates after being booby-trapped.
- Duplication success odds tweaked.
- Added Message of the Day
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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