Author Topic: Fabula Divina (now at v0.32)  (Read 16051 times)


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Re: Fabula Divina Alpha releases unleashed
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2012, 03:28:15 AM »
Alpha 7:

Random Dungeon play test has been added.

Once you find the king, do as he asks, and return his staff to him, he will open a secret chamber to a 100 level dungeon!  While not fully feature compliant, you can keep playing new levels.  Once you have done those 100 levels, if you reset your hame, you will have 100 new and random levels. :-)

Future enhancements will include the ability to increase monster difficulty as you go down the dungeon levels.

Next, spells, spells, spells.  We added several new spells in this release:


sanitas acuo - Blessed Life.  This will increase your maxHP for up to 10 rounds.

bonas acuo - Blessed Magic.  This will increase your maxHP for up to 10 rounds.

exitus abyssum - Exit Dungeon.  This will allow you to exit the randomized dungeons.  It will whisk you right back to the surface of Willow

sagittae - Magic Projectile.  This basically shoots a missile toward a foe.  This is basically archery for mages.  It does earth/physical damage.

immunius ultimus - Ultimate Shield.  This basically shrouds the player in a protective shield and enhances various stats for up to 10 rounds.

ignus gehennam - Hell Fire.  This is our first area spell.  Click on any life form on the screen, including yourself (it will not harm you or your pet) and it will hit every foe within a 7x7 tile area.  This spell is totally unfair in the game right now, but it is meant to be that way for now.  It will be balanced in a future update.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Fabula Divina Alpha (now at Alpha 9)
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2012, 12:00:17 PM »
Alpha 7a-9

-SQLite has issues saving on Windows apparently.  We had another issue creep up with saving on Windows.  We have addressed it.  Build 07a has been published.

-New magic spells.
-Conversion of magic spell names to something more English.
-Day/Night Shade Cycles
-Dungeon Shading
-Magic spell to light up the night
-New weapons (though, they don’t have all their unique abilities programmed in yet.)
-Fixed issue with displaying inaccurate gold count after buying stuff.
-Significant speed up on load.
-New city music theme has been added.
-Doors now open by walking into them if they are unlocked.
-Bug fixes.
-The proper “novice” monster list now shows up correctly in the first zone.

-The battle system has changed.
-Almost all of the core story to act 1 is done. There are two side quests in.
-You can garden now if you buy a shovel.
-You can go into the castle, find the gem guy, and buy upgrades for your weapons (tho they are expensive.)
-You can buy upgradable weapons.
-Monsters drop loot now
-There are two bosses and one set of elite monsters you have to defeat

So yeah, this crazy thing is alive again and heading towards beta.   :)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Fabula Divina Alpha (now at Alpha 10)
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2012, 11:49:22 AM »
Alpha 10

We really want to thank the feedback we have received on the latest Alpha.  It has helped us squish a couple of bugs, and implement the final features we wish to bring to you in our final Alpha.  Tonight, Alpha10 has been released.

What is new:


A demo ship is now available to sail around the castle!  Sailing is fun.


Events have been added.  Events are little scenarios that happen in the world to give it more life.  For example, just to the east of Miseria now, you will find a group of 4 peaceful giants living there.  If you attack them, they will attack you.  If you leave them alone, they will leave you alone.  If you kill all of them, they will regenerate an hour later.  This is just a simple example of Events.  The system allows us to implement intricate events if we so choose.

End of Act1:

The end of Act1 has been implemented.  You will now be setup and prepared for what is to come in the entire world of Willow, and learn why you are there.

The rest of the little things missing from Miseria have been added.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Fabula Divina (now at v0.30)
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2012, 07:12:13 PM »
New naming scheme  v0.30

Today is a big day for us.  We removed the Playtest and Alpha monikers from the game, and we present to you, version 0.30.  The game still has a ways to go, but the improvements and enhancements are coming at a more brisk pace.  We partly have you to thank for that.  With your feedback, we are able to make it better faster!

-Tons of bugfixes
-Fixes to visualization bugs reported
-New UI implemented
-Beginning stages of balance to the world and the rules
-Stability improvements
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Fabula Divina (now at v0.32)
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2012, 02:05:30 AM »

Today we announce version 0.32.  Version 0.32 has a significant set of things in it.

-Graphical Boot Loader finally... More responsive to tell you what is going on as it loads.
-Complete refactor of the boot-strap code.  Implemented better threading model.
-CLASSES Players asked for classes and we have responded.  Classes work differently here than in some games.  With classes, we do not restrict what you can use, but rather, your efficiency if you go off book.  So for example, you can put a big katana in the hands of a Cleric, but they will not be nearly as effective with it.
-Road Signs - These help you find your way.
-Angelus, the Guardian Angel.  Now, when you press ‘H’, you can talk to your guardian angel and he will help you.
-The hero will now talk to you and give you feedback.  He/She does not have nearly all the text in there that he/she will have, but there is a decent amount to start with.
-Popup-text bubbles will show up in some places now to help give more active feedback to the world.
-Many, many bug fixes
-Performance fixes that should make it run faster for you.
-Versioned data.  This should be the last time you have to start your character over.
-Massive modification to the RPG-based rules.  We are trying to start balancing the world that is there.

Also, the size of the entire package has been cut down pretty well in half compared to when v0.30 first landed, so definitely some optimization on that front in a big way.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training