Author Topic: "Text Adventure" Rogue Like  (Read 26844 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Re: "Text Adventure" Rogue Like
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2012, 05:25:59 AM »
Btw, a Kerkerkruip review:

Anyway, the real question is - is it any good? Yes, yes it is. It's short, has fun and intuitive combat, strange rooms to explore, better artefacts to find, monsters to fight, and all that. The length really does help with the addictiveness - you'll always be wanting just one more go. Maybe this time you'll get past the mindslug, now you've beaten Malygris in easy mode it's only fair to have a go at the harder setting now, and so forth.

So. All in all, tremendous fun, and I hope Victor Gijsbers keeps releasing updates for a long time to come.