Here is some initial feedback...
The phrase "this is how your character will look like" is in a tooltip. This is a common mistake non-english speakers make, where they use how and like. It should either be "this is how your character will look" or "what you character will look like".
On the subject of tooltips, they only show up after hovering your mouse over something and not moving it for some time. I initially did not know they existed. Especially in character creation where you have space for the tooltip reserved, it should show up immediately and not disappear if you move your mouse.
Another error in the tooltips, for skills "but ot necessarily", where it should read "but not necessarily"
There should be tooltips on the individual skills. For instance, what is the difference between melee and axe? To me melee means any melee weapon, but perhaps it means non-axe melee weapons here?
Clicking the help button does nothing. Luckily I knew to try '?' when that failed, but others might not.
Dragging a weapon into my hand just sends it back to the inventory instead of swapping with the currently equipped weapon.
I feel like the game needs some kind of explanation at the beginning. What type of game is this? What is my goal? Who/where am i? Should I wander around or look for quests? Right now there appears to be no information, and it just drops you somewhere. This might work for some games, but it doesn't even say what the controls are. Even just an initial "press ? for help" in the log would be a good step here, although there is certainly a lot to be done.
When you have multiple corpses stacked on the ground, they show as a pile of weapons and scrolls. This is obviously no good and should be replaced with a corpse image unless there are actually items there.
I came across a traveling family and decided to attack them as I was just messing around. I'm not sure if the ability to kill children is something that countries ban a game for, but I know that most games avoid it (such as the inability to kill children in fallout 3). I don't know the details of that, and it almost definitely doesn't matter, but it's just something I noticed