Author Topic: ADOM: Resurrection via IndieGoGo (~$90K funded, 1.2.0p4 private update out)  (Read 55469 times)


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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #60 on: August 30, 2012, 08:42:11 AM »
So that means a fully graphical steam release? That's awesome.

So, crowd funding AND making it a commercial game through Steam. Not cool.


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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #61 on: August 30, 2012, 11:05:47 AM »
So that means a fully graphical steam release? That's awesome.

So, crowd funding AND making it a commercial game through Steam. Not cool.

I can't believe that he actually is making it a stretch goal.  Like we have to give him money for the courtesy of letting us purchase it :P


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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #62 on: August 30, 2012, 11:22:45 AM »
Like we have to give him money for the courtesy of letting us purchase it :P

Maybe it's just ADOM Deluxe (whatever it is). Something good in this is that I think ADOM (both 1 and 2) are my main rivals and I want badly to show how much better roguelikes can be, when you don't limit the design to old school ideas. I want to make ADOM look poor.


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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #63 on: August 30, 2012, 12:36:51 PM »
-ADOM Deluxe will be a separate entity to ADOM itself though on parallel----pretty much the only differences will be the sorts of things he's already roughly outlined for ADOM II Deluxe, alongside things like the game actually being able to function via Steam/Desura clients and that sort of stuff.  Not as dramatic a difference in terms of content as per how Epilogue provides excellent value for the free version and then heaps upon yet more for the commercial, but it is just a different way of going about it.

-The Deluxe version will be yet another free perk to all those who have donated at least $40 however you slice it to the IGG campaign---which will probably be the majority by the end of things if not already.  That said.....there's been no indication as to what the actual cost for the eventual ADOM Deluxe will be on these services...

Some major pact pledging is happening, which in the time since it was posted it may well have now cleared past $70K considering the pacts currently known:

Wow, wow, wow. I'll need to recover for days from the excitement. The ADOM crowd funding campaign is entering the very final hours - 27 to go at the time of this writing.

We made it yet again.

Stretch goal #4: Steam (& co.) support has been unlocked!

And now more exciting things are happening... that might allow us to get to the next stretch goal #5 (achievements & highscore server at $70,000) and even towards the $75,000 (stretch goal #6: the highly elaborate and detailed volcano quest). The following facts will make the remaining 27 hours a hell of an exciting race towards the end of the campaign:

    -Currently we are at $65,907, a mere $1,593 away from the magical $67,500. Andriy has put up a promise to donate another $2,500 if we make that margin so that he pushes us to the $70,000 stretch goal mark and will unlock stretch goal #5: achievements and the high score server. @Andriy: You'll get a very special extra in the game if we really manage that - promised! If we manage to pul this off I have promised to add an extra three mini quests to the game (one level maps with special challenges). So there's the possibility of getting a load of extras with $1,593 in pledges!
    -Jeff Royle just took up Andriy's generous offer and (read comment #8 here) offered to chime in an additional $2,500 if we manage to get to $70,000 in this way and then up to $72,500 by community pledges (my interpretation - Jeff, please correct me if I'm wrong - again, you won't be held responsible for that ;-) ). He'll in that case put us at the $75,000 mark. @Jeff: As for Andriy - if that is to happen something truly special will be added in-game for you, too.
    -Now that we have gotten to the $65,000 everyone who pledged at least $40 (no matter in what combination) will receive a free license for ADOM Deluxe!!! So far this leaves about 259 folks at the $10 and 426 people at the $25 level without a free license for ADOM Deluxe (the numbers are not exact as a number of them pledged more than once or upgraded behind the scenes but they are a good estimation). Now imagine this: If 259 people were to pledge an extra $30 (and you are not forced to upgrade to the RPG level if you don't want that) they'll get a free license and the roughly estimated $7,500 extra would put us even beyond stretch goal #6: The Rolf Quest (with the special pledges above added it)!!! And if the 426 people at the $25 level were to add another $15 (again without being required to buy the RPG) we'd have another $6,000 that might even unlock yet another two mega quests beyond the Rolf quest!!! How awesome is that? While I don't believe that this is very likely to happen it's totally amazing to see that there is a slim fighting chance to unlock stretch goals #6 and #7. Awesome, awesome, awesome.

I've already vowed to make the volcano quest very special - I'll now add that I'll make it a world shaking event if we get that far.

I'm not sure how I'm going to concentrate on real life today. All this is just remarkable beyond any means. Keep it up folks, you are truly

CORRECTION:  As per Biskup's comment in Facebook:

No DLC. I have learnt my lessons in that regard ;-) And no micro transactions as far as I am concerned. Too complicated. Just a flat price for a feature set that doesn't concern hard core roguelike players. And no, it won't be a $40 price... more casual in the $5-$10 range. $40 is the level I set for this campaign where you get the free license _in addition_ to whatever else you get. Yet another bonus.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2012, 12:49:15 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #64 on: August 30, 2012, 01:04:16 PM »
At least he isn't going the microtransaction route which is something, since he could put it on steam with a "Spend $1 to revive your character?" prompt upon death, not to mention the ability to purchase character boosts and such, which would be substantially more profitable for him I imagine :P


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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #65 on: August 30, 2012, 04:58:22 PM »
Well damn, just crossed $75K for the big volcano quest----quite a final surge is happening indeed.   8)

Apparent final final final super stretch things:

Just in case... yet another wonder happens and someone picks up the Demigod pledge level, here's the next stretch goal list (we have no graphics for that and I don't think it's realistic - but I wanted to mention them just in case):

    -$110,000 will be the iPad version and five new mini quests,
    -$120,000 will be the Android version and three more mega quests,
    -$130,000 will see the ADOM Lite RPG converted into the true ADOM RPG and expanded to 128 pages full-color hardcover splendor - at no additional cost for all the folks who decided to pledge for the RPG! (at this level I probably would consider selling it later - but I'd add some special limited thing for all donors to make your version different from the one available later... something like 16 pages of unique art).

Ok, just to have it mentioned in case you manage to surprise me beyond my wildest dreams ;-)

« Last Edit: August 30, 2012, 07:03:11 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #66 on: August 31, 2012, 12:29:45 AM »
  In regards to Steam, you do realize you can post free games on it, right?

  I find it strange that people are trying so hard to find something to bitch about. I find all of this very exciting.

EDIT: MY GOD. 7 hours left and he's right under $85k. Baffling. Just baffling. I'm hoping it hits $95k, because that'll ensure all the actual game content is included. 4 people have made $1000 pledges. HA!!!!

EDIT2: I've not given any money as I've never really played the game, but when it comes out I'll buy it. Definitely.


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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #67 on: August 31, 2012, 01:54:07 AM »
85k cleared with 5 hours to go....really have to wonder what kind of spectacle I'll get online to behold come tomorrow morning.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #68 on: August 31, 2012, 05:33:16 AM »
  Well I went ahead and threw in 10 bucks. Just to be part of something so cool.


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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #69 on: August 31, 2012, 06:49:06 AM »
In regards to Steam, you do realize you can post free games on it, right?

I don't support things like Steam. It's too much like communism. I think internet distribution should be more like real shops, you can choose where you buy and then download the game without some spyware running on background all the time.


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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #70 on: August 31, 2012, 07:27:42 AM »
I think steam is nice for easily interacting with friends while playing games.  The problem right now is the monopoly it has, but for instance with Desura you can download standalone copies of a game and play them without having the client running (if the developer supplies them).


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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #71 on: August 31, 2012, 08:20:42 AM »
  Over $90k.




  I bet you Darren Grey is flipping the fuck out. I'm pretty pumped and I've never even played the game.

EDIT: Sorry for the profanity...but I'm leaving it for now. PUMPED!


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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #72 on: August 31, 2012, 01:53:55 PM »
I'll say this much:  I don't know that I've ever anticipated an episode of Roguelike Radio to come quite like the one for the aftermath of this little saga of a chapter in Roguelike history once Biskup gets everything situated enough to think and form sentences audibly again.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #73 on: August 31, 2012, 02:33:41 PM »
Maybe it's just ADOM Deluxe (whatever it is). Something good in this is that I think ADOM (both 1 and 2) are my main rivals and I want badly to show how much better roguelikes can be, when you don't limit the design to old school ideas. I want to make ADOM look poor.

Krice, in some ways I agree with you, and I really look forward to that day.

In the meantime, I'm eager to see what comes of this. Biskup's definitely earned some amount of kickback at this point, and I hope he's able to use this money in order to generate more appreciation for hardcore roguelike games.

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Re: ADOM: Resurrection on IndieGoGo (Now funded and Stretching!)
« Reply #74 on: August 31, 2012, 05:54:54 PM »
Heh heh...this is a truly historical moment for the roguelike community.  That being said, the hardest part is upon us: waiting for all of this to be implemented!  The DevTeam has a lot to own up to!