Development > Incubator
The Bundle and the Incubator
Darren Grey:
Just to clarify, the Roguelike Bundle #1 due for release in September is just a subset of Incubator activity. Games can be in the Incubator without being in the Bundle, and may become part of a different bundle at a later time if anything like that ever works out. Also games initially declared as being for the Bundle may not make it to be part of the first bundle - they need to meet the community's quality threshold before the time of release. All Incubator members are encouraged to give feedback on all other's games, regardless of what bundles they may or may not be part of.
--- Quote from: Darren Grey on June 28, 2012, 12:03:03 PM --- Also games initially declared as being for the Bundle may not make it to be part of the first bundle - they need to meet the community's quality threshold before the time of release.
--- End quote ---
Uh, how is this threshold defined? Or, to rephrase the question, who will decide which games fulfill the requirements and which requirements there are? I think this should be made clear as well. ???
Darren Grey:
Bug-free, polished UI and properly portable are the main things. Ultimately no one person decides though - it has to be a group decision if a game doesn't make the cut. Hopefully the developer of the game in question will understand the reasons and agree themselves (indeed, I foresee voluntary withdrawals from those that don't do enough development in time).
This is necessary, by the way. We need to push ourselves to maintain a quality standard, and the threat of exclusion is a good motivating factor. For the bundle itself to be successful it can't have any weak links. And with the open timescale of the Incubator there's no reason to rush a game for the first bundle.
Alex E:
--- Quote from: Darren Grey on June 28, 2012, 04:26:27 PM ---Bug-free, polished UI and properly portable are the main things.
--- End quote ---
I'm thinking of joining the Incubator with the roguelike I am currently working on, but the "properly portable" part (For getting it to work on Mac and Linux) simply isn't possible for me. Am I unable to join under these circumstances?
Darren Grey:
It makes it hard, since not everyone is on Windows. And it precludes the game from the Bundle. But it needn't stop you joining the Incubator.
Why is it not portable though? Is there anything others could help you with?
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