Author Topic: Experience Points  (Read 27841 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Experience Points
« Reply #30 on: July 13, 2012, 09:40:41 PM »
I bet the one on the left is saying "you fool Thomas, you are holding your sword the wrong way round! And to think when you came out in all that gear I thought you knew what you were doing! Look how easy it is for me to stab you Thomas and I am not even really trying"

This gives me a cool idea.  When you are inexperienced with a weapon and attack there should be the possibility of "you score a direct hit on the goblin, but unfortunately had your sword backwards and somehow cut yourself!"

Or how about zapping yourself because you have the wand backwards.  Or perhaps misinterpreting the time delay on a grenade.

These would be some great deaths!  "Kraflab accidently stabbed himself on dungeon floor 6"



  • Rogueliker
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Re: Experience Points
« Reply #31 on: July 14, 2012, 08:16:22 AM »
Oh Jo! This is wonderful. Do not deny the passion that invigorates you. This is what it means to be a man!

I humbly beseech you for forgiveness and apologize for my transgression- The judgement of ignorance unto another entity is perhaps the greatest sin of all! To denounce an individual is to deny a perspective that oneself is ignorant of. Such hypocrisy denies an individual the benefit another's wisdom.

I wish to honor your passionate reply with equal fervor. However, I do not think that you would appreciate such a gesture. I similarly would very much like to address each of your cases, but I sense that it would not help soothe your frustration.

I will simply say that what you had written in your original idea deeply offended me. In a moment of haste, I let the passion take me. For that, I am deeply sorry.

I would very much like to address each of your points, but will not do so unless you wish it- for I sincerely do not wish to cause a degree of aggravation that would ignite the powder keg- so to speak.

Otherwise, I sincerely hope that felt good. And I hope you don't get banned- I generally enjoy reading what you have to say.


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Experience Points
« Reply #32 on: July 14, 2012, 11:13:26 AM »
This gives me a cool idea.  When you are inexperienced with a weapon and attack there should be the possibility of "you score a direct hit on the goblin, but unfortunately had your sword backwards and somehow cut yourself!"

You should play Orcs and Elves. It's a turn based 1st person dungeon crawler. It has a high emphasis on potion use with dwarven ale being often forced upon you by the ghost of a dwarf. He will only open the way if you drink some potent ale.

The way is opened and I'm surrounded by monsters. And I'm pissed - the screen is even wobbling to inform me that I have extra damage and a penalty to hit.

"Quick", says the ghost, "use the medusa scroll to freeze the enemies."

I open the medusa scroll, freeze one monster, turn to face another, open it again - but I'm pissed, the medusa scroll is the wrong way round. I'm frozen whilst monsters bash me from all sides.

Fucking dwarf.