Development > Incubator

The LambdaRogue 1.7 Incubator Thread

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This thread is for discussing development of the next major update of LambdaRogue, which will be 1.7.

1. What is LambdaRogue?

"LambdaRogue: The Book of Stars" is a roguelike RPG I started to develop in 2006. Currently, we are at version 1.6.4, with a final 1.6.5 update of the 1.6 branch due in some weeks. LR is inspired by games like Moria, Angband, Diablo and WoW.

LambdaRogue is available for Windows, Linux, and MacOS Lion. Somebody also did a port of an older version for the Nokia Maemo.

Official website:

Facebook page:

In contrast to most other roguelikes, LambdaRogue features a rather complex story, including a main questline and several side questlines, each comprising of several individual quests. To win the game, the player usually has to fulfill at least the quests of the main story. However, in update 1.6.4 a so-called "coffeebreak mode" has been added, which is a story-free dungeon crawling mode, allowing for straightforward hack'n'slash.

To find out about the current features of the game, refer to the game guide: The guide describes version 1.6.1 and thus lacks information on changes made in the latest updates, but the main concepts (skills, professions, gods, etc.) are still valid.

2. Goals for Update 1.7

Besides the usual bug fixing, balancing adjustments, and minor additions, I want to achieve the following goals:

2.1 Content Goals

* expand the Forgotten Realm with more dungeon levels, treasures, and enemy types
* ensure that the Forgotten Realm significantly differs from the main dungeon in terms of atmosphere and features
* add a new side questline for characters who believe in Dionysa, the goddess of food and joy
* add even more new monster abilities (like those I added in 1.6.4)
* add player achievements (which are global and not character-based; things like "Kammerjäger - 1000 antbees exterminated")
I might add other content things not listed here.

2.2 Interface Goals

* re-enable use of the mouse for movement and dungeon/monster interactions -> mouse did work in earlier LambdaRogue versions, but mouse support was mostly removed later on.
* streamline character generation screens into one screen similar to the screen of Diablo III
* add filters to questlog (filtering for quests belonging to main story, side stories, or single quests)
* add "personal library" for storing books and scriptures (so they don't waste inventory space)
* optional: implement the new big 40x80 tileset (it's unlikely that I reach this goal, however. It all depends on money.)

Goals for 1.7 added.

  I volunteer to go over any of your text should you want. My English is very strong. Native speaker, I hold a doctorate in law and have even taught English in the past. So I figure I'm pretty qualified, if you need.

This is a very good offer I would gladly accept! There are lots of texts in the game, and although I think my English is okay for a German, I know that I very often make mistakes. I will send you a message about the details soon.


Well, well, it seems my new foreign students for this year will arrive earlier than I thought -- I can't promise if I can keep up as fast as I want to.


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