Author Topic: Original Artwork and Tiles Needed (for LambdaRogue)  (Read 16104 times)


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Original Artwork and Tiles Needed (for LambdaRogue)
« on: August 07, 2008, 09:50:37 AM »
I need help in creating graphical tiles for the monsters and the characters of LambdaRogue. I would even pay for this. Well, not much and probably not the whole sum at one time, but better than nothing  ;)

The reason:

As you might have noticed, LambdaRogue's graphical SDL mode is a combination of tile graphics and ASCII characters. I haven chosen this combination consciously: the story, the music, the colors and the font (German Underground) fit together and create a surreal but coherent atmosphere (at least in my opinion  ;) ).

However, some people have shown interest in a complete graphical version of the game, and although I mostly play the non-graphical console version of the game, I would like to have such a thing, too.

Now I could easily adopt existing free roguelike tilesets, but in my opinion none of the existing sets fit the game's atmosphere. Even worse: these tilesets are used by so many other games that LambdaRogue would lose it's individual visual style.

So if anybody is interested, leave a message here, or a note at the devblog ( or e-mail me (mario.donick /at/

Mario Donick
-- LR: The Book of Stars graphical roguelike RPG