I'm playing flash version and I seriously cannot understand what to do 
HP is decreasing each turn at somewhat frightening rate.
I can find and collect a few crystals, but cannot understand what to do with them.
Tried to return to starting point, but nothing happened.
Any hints?
There are two important features on each map- a purple flashy thingy (monopole) that you need to pick up and the exit door. Find the monopole in each level and go to the exit.
There are also crystal formations- shooting them (or standing on top of one and pressing ctrl) will convert them into a crystal pick-up. After you exit the level, you choose which 3 powers to recharge. Health is most important, the gun is necessary to get more crystal, and the jetpack recharges on its own over time already.
Monsters don't matter- just be wary, they move at the same time you do. If you're adjacent to one and shoot it, you'll both hit each other.