Author Topic: Ugly Rogue (Now at  (Read 4808 times)


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Ugly Rogue (Now at
« on: February 23, 2012, 12:27:23 PM »
Name: Ugly Rogue
Synopsis:  Browser based, ASCII fantasy themed rogue like.
Version number: Alpha   Release Number:  4
Release Date:  Feb 22, 2012

Ugly Rogue is a browser based (no app download required) rogue-like that allows the player to completely control the development of their character. A race and background are chosen which shape the general direction of the character, but with each level gained the player chooses which statistics and skills to gain, allowing for nearly limitless variety.

Some currently implemented features:

-  Randomly generated maps of several distinct types, including mazes.
-  6 races and 9 backgrounds, each with distinct traits
-  Mouse driven input (though keyboard input is also available for most actions)
-  Over 50 distinct skills (with many more still in development)
-  Random item generation, resulting in millions of equipment types
-  5 attributes, each with useful functions, regardless of character type
-  A starter town with merchants to buy gear from


- Your character starts in a non-hostile town.
- There are merchants to buy gear from.
- An item has been added to teleport to/from the starting town.
- Stairs are now two-way.
- You can now "run" by holding down Alt.
- Gold is now automatically looted when walking over a corpse.
- There is now a Help menu (though it is scarce at the moment).
- Other small changes.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training