Game Discussion > Early Dev
Incursion Comp.
Ok, so I think a incursion competition could be alot of fun, and it will hopefully give the dev some good feedback, as well as increasing interest in the project. is the site to get some info about it.
Now what I plan on doing is seeing how many of the people here are interested(if any) and then asking the dev if we can host the game on some file server, or on this site, or have him release a version for us cause having alot of people register for his beta testing for this could be rather annoying.
Then we will start the comp and have it be on for a couple weeks or so at which point we will end the comp and judge who wins either by depth dived, or monsters killed(or big mobs killed possibly, dragons for instance are pretty rough in this game), or winning, or whatnot.
So post here if this sounds at all reasonable to you, or post here if it doesn't and say why :).
Its a pretty reasonable guess, that if the author wanted to host the game somewhere - he would do it already.
As a playtester, having spoken with the creator for a long time, I think he is not going to release the game until it is ready, sorry. Also, running a competition about a beta game which the author *does not want to release until it is polished* (or he would have released it by now) does not seem like a very clever idea to me :P. I don't think coercing Julian to release the game right now would neither be a very nice thing to do nor accomplish anything except making the author feel uneasy.
However, everybody is free to playtest the _closed beta_ if they speak with him.
I suggest you propose another competition, about a game which is open to everyone ;)
I suppose that you guys have valid points. I hardly want to coerce him into anything(coercion involves forcing via threats). I just wanted more people to get interested in the game. And some people(me for instance) can play this type of game alot more, and with alot more enthusiasm if there is somebody to compete against.
--- Quote from: Lavastine on May 19, 2007, 02:38:34 AM ---I suppose that you guys have valid points. I hardly want to coerce him into anything(coercion involves forcing via threats). I just wanted more people to get interested in the game. And some people(me for instance) can play this type of game alot more, and with alot more enthusiasm if there is somebody to compete against.
--- End quote ---
Don't worry, when the game is finally released we'll have plenty of time to do lots of competitions with it ;). It's just that the game will be released "When It's Done (tm)", so there is no real date right now.
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