Author Topic: Java Roguelike Tutorials?  (Read 24541 times)


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Re: Java Roguelike Tutorials?
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2012, 02:07:51 AM »
I'd enjoy being able to contribute to such a project too. Regrettably, I probably won't be able to help much at all, given that I have little experience, especially with coding big projects, but I would love being able to help out where I can if possible.


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Java Roguelike Tutorials?
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2012, 04:37:17 PM »
@ghostable, there are a lot of ways to contribute to a project. :)

If you're talking about Blacken, we have a Google Group -- blacken-dev <!forum/blacken-dev> which can either be used online or via email. It is archived and there is low noise.

I'm currently focusing on some minor refactoring before I look in to ways to speed up Blacken. Once Blacken's performance is up, I'll be focusing on writing the tutorial. The goal is to be done with the tutorial is one month before the next 7DRL. (So the tutorials are available for people to check out and try while they're evaluating libraries for the 7DRL.)

Once I have the tutorials done, I'll be announcing them here.

So, you can join the Google Group and either visit the site as you have a moment, get it sent to you like a mailing list, or just keep your eyes open for the announcement here when the tutorials are ready and check it out then.
