I kind of abandoned the idea of a roguelike in Python+curses because the curses library for Python is only available for Linux. What exactly are you using in Windows?
I also abandoned the idea of using curses altogether, because at the time I didn't know much about compiling/linking and pdcurses was hell to me! Result: I don't know curses at all!
It might actually be easier to use a simple graphical API to simulate the text, though I know many devs and players are against that.
-- edit --
For anyone trying to get this to run under Linux:
$ grep "import Console" *
Go to all the files and comment out those lines. There's probably a geekier faster way to do this, but I can't be bothered right now. It's like, two files.
$ grep "import IOSystem" *
Go to all the files and change IOSystem to IOSystemLinux.
It should start. If you get garbled stuff with an exception, increase the terminal size. Run it again, and it should work

Couldn't move around, it just told me what key I pressed. At one point I guess I pressed "i" because I got to an empty inventory and couldn't get out

Also: may I suggest
www.diveintopython.org? There's a section on exceptions. They're really not something out of this world, it's just what they say it is. The concept might take a bit to sink in, but none of it is "dark magic" stuff. What I'd do right now, is stuff the main function inside an exception catching block (try-except). Depending on the error type you get, just print out a message before exiting