Author Topic: My Attempt at a 7DRL  (Read 7327 times)


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My Attempt at a 7DRL
« on: November 07, 2011, 04:38:38 AM »
Hey Guys.

So I attempted to do a 7DRL, but things didnt go according to plan(I was in the process of moving and thought I would have more free time), but I want to post what I currently have and get some suggestions. Unlike most roguelkes that focus on combat. I decided to focus on the mechanic of the food clock, but didn't want anything so literal. so you are an adventurer who fell into a underground cave in the arctic. You will need to climb your way out by finding the up stairs, and collecting fuel cans and journal entries.

its missing a lot of stuff. and is in a very early state but I would love some feedback.

Give it a Try!

So I just want to know what you think. couple questions
1. should I have an inventory so you can carry oil cans you find?
2. what purpose can journals have? originally they were purely score. should you need to collect a certain amount to make the exit appear?
3. if journals played a more important part. should you be able to burn them to get a small boost of Torch power? causing the player to have to choose?
4. any suggestions?

P.S. Eventually the circle of light will also get smaller as your lamp goes out making it harder to navigate.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2011, 04:40:16 AM by jasonpickering »


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Re: My Attempt at a 7DRL
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2011, 08:49:49 PM »
Neat little game! Unless I'm missing something, there's no purpose to complicate things with an inventory, as you're probably running low on oil by the time you find one anyway. I also felt that oil ran dry a little too quickly. I'd prefer if it decreased every three or four ticks instead of two.

Not sure what you'd do with journals. Burning them for fuel is an interesting idea, but in that case they're just another source of light and don't really serve any other point.  You might as well just get rid of them altogether if you can't think of another use for them. Maybe some kind of punishment for using them? Counting them as score seems rather pointless too, because there's really no incentive to score higher yet. Maybe have the player start each level with a complete map of the level, but they can choose to rip off portions of the map for more fuel. Just throwing out ideas.

I love the visual style, by the way. Feels very retro.

Also, one of my games started with me on top of a body of water, unable to move :)
"What does anyone want but to feel a little more free?" -gy!be


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Re: My Attempt at a 7DRL
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2011, 05:58:49 PM »
Thanks for testing it out. Sorry about spawining you on a water surface. I had commented out some code on the stairway being on the first level so it had no where to spawn the character so you always started in the top Left.

I havent added an inventory yet. I will keep adding to the game and when the need arises then I will add it in. I also added the next piece of the puzzle. I felt just the lamp was dangerous enough so now you are also being chases by a monster. Meaning you need to keep ahead of the monster and also you need to keep track of your light or you wont be able to see the monster. Journals have a use now when selecting them you can use them or burn them. using them pops up a small arrow on screen which fade away. it points you in the direction of the level exit, to help you get out.

I am also adding a secondary use for Oil Cans. they will be able to be burned. Basically burning an Oil Can will create a wall. it will be of use if the monster is chasing you as the beast will need to find a new route to get you. giving you a chance to get away.

I hope to post a new version soon.


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Re: My Attempt at a 7DRL
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2011, 05:03:42 AM »
Hey! I dig it. First thing I noticed was that I had to tap the direction key multiple times to move around. I expected to be able to hold left down and go left until I let go. I loved your take on the FOV. Keep up the good work! Visit my project, playable here:, would love your feedback.