Author Topic: Rings of Valor v0.10.0 released  (Read 4991 times)


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Rings of Valor v0.10.0 released
« on: December 04, 2011, 07:41:27 PM »

The final beta release of Rings of Valor is here, and with it the Achievements. There are only 20 of them but how to unlock them is a secret. They're not impossible and all of them should eventually come up when playing the three game modes, though it took few hours for me to unlock them all even with knowing how to.

I tried to avoid "false" achievements such as "Launched the Game" or "Played 100 Quick Matches". Some are harder, and some need more luck than others and might require a multitude of matches before the RNG decides to favor you.

All the races and classes are in; 10 of the races and 16 of the classes can be unlocked with achievement points. There are also three new maps -- also unlockable.

Save files are compatible (as always), though you might as well start a new Tournament and Ladder with all the races and classes as opponents. However, you may want to bring the statistics file to the new version, if you like keeping such things. The statistics also affect the new total score. (Yay.)

To do this you, need to move the statistics.vsf into the profile folder before launching the game for the first time. The statistics file will be deleted and added into the new profile.vsf that will be created once the game is launched. Couple achievements could technically be unlocked with the data of the old statistics file but I decided against it. You can also use the old .ini file if you so desire.

All the originally intended features are now in the game, and next release -- v1.0.0 -- will only have some interface improvements (such as hotkeys for menu items and such) and race/class balance tweaks added in (feedback and suggestion welcome again). And some other things that might come up.

Also, I had the game crash once when starting a Quick Match but I haven't been able to reproduce it. This might lead to a loss of the Tournament and Ladder saves as the save files are deleted when you first time click the Play button in the main menu and saved then only after you exit the game. I will move the deletion/saving to when actually playing the tournament/ladder for the next version. But so that you know.

Humm, what else... Yes, there should be more target changing by the AI gladiators, partly because the defender passive abilities now have a tendency to make the target hate you.

Changelog for v0.10.0 - 4.12.2011:

New features:
* 4 new races and 8 new classes
* 3 new maps
* Achievements
* A total score

General tweaks:
* Attack speed increasing and reducing effects now affect casting speed as well
* Improved AI target acquiring
* Reduced the amount of AI random movement when in melee range
* Changed the max range (10) hinting FoV to a circle from square (ranges are still measured in simple cell distances)
* Increased the fast forward speed to 4x (Up from 2x)
* Slow Mode now slows down the matches (including timer speed) by 40% (Up from 25%)
* Fast-forwarding can now be turned off once it's on (for whatever reason)

Ladder mode changes:
* All gear pieces now cost 75 gold
* Current gear piece now reduces the cost of an upgrade by 10% per level of the item
* Increased the gear tier rating requirement increments from 100 to 150 (silver gear now requires a 1650+ rating, gold 1800+ etc.)
* Weapons now increase healing and damage by +5% per tier (Down from +15% per tier)
* Team ratings and positions are now displayed at the start of matches
* Removed the extra 50 experience gained from winning
* Each team now gains 50 experience after each mach
* Opponent teams will now be of a closer rating

Bug fixes:
* Fixed Cleric's Mass Dispel incorrectly requiring to stand still
* Fixed issues with pathfinding that caused the AI to get stuck in certain positions
* It is no longer possible to accidentally purchase a piece of gear twice

Nice to see another ARRP 2011 newcomer continuing to make solid strides at improving on their core doings!   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Rings of Valor v0.10.0 released
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2011, 11:13:58 PM »
Is there fullscreen?


  • Protector of the Temple
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Re: Rings of Valor v0.10.0 released
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2011, 01:57:22 AM »
I would be less inclined to guess so, as it uses libtcod and wasn't there something of a bug that has been afflicting such a mode with it that is still due to get squashed before that secret pixel'ish project goes to full steam?
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training