Author Topic: Results for Ascii Dreams Roguelike of the Year 2011  (Read 7513 times)


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Results for Ascii Dreams Roguelike of the Year 2011
« on: December 27, 2011, 04:13:56 AM »
With a record 2937 voters, voting for one or more of 185 qualifying roguelikes released this year, the winner this year is Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy, also known as T.o.M.E. 4.

The top ten roguelikes voted for are:

1. Tales of Maj'Eyal: Age of Ascendancy (702 votes,
2. Dungeons of Dredmor (612 votes,
3. Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup (486 votes, )
4. JADE (431 votes,
5. Desktop Dungeons (391 votes,
6. Dwarf Fortress (373 votes,
7. Brogue (240 votes,
8. The Binding of Isaac (199 votes,
9. DoomRL: Doom the Roguelike (178 votes,
10. Cataclysm (170 votes,

For full results:

About the Ascii Dreams Roguelike of the Year:

Now in its fifth year, the Ascii Dreams Roguelike of the Year is recognised as the premier annual award for the roguelike genre. Previous winners include Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup, DoomRL: the Roguelike and T.o.M.E. 4.

Roguelikes qualified by being announced on the Rogue Basin news section between December 16th 2010 and December 12th 2011 and from the list of Actively Developing Roguelikes maintained by Michał Bieliński. From this year, roguelikes also qualify which have been discussed on Roguelike Radio and released this year. Votes are then collated over a two week period from mid December and the winner, runner up, honourable mentions and full results are announced when voting closes. Voters may choose to vote for multiple roguelikes.


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Re: Results for Ascii Dreams Roguelike of the Year 2011
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2011, 09:04:50 AM »
The top ten roguelikes voted for are:

I think it's important to note that 7 of the top 10 are relatively new games only released in past ~2 years (all but crawl, DF & DoomRL), and after removing ToME4 & Desktop Dungeon 5 of these were first released in late 2010 or 2011!
« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 01:46:37 PM by ido »


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Re: Results for Ascii Dreams Roguelike of the Year 2011
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2011, 11:44:39 AM »
  When you were dinking around with Nethack (or Angband, Crawl or Adom) back in school did you ever think the Roguelike genre would ever have such a depth of "New Hotness" constantly revitalizing the genre? In 2011? Anyone that would have predicted that even 5 years ago I would have called them nuts.