My greatest accomplishment was defeating Moria. I have now done it three times.
Spelunky, what a great game! (plus unlocked all features)
DoomRL, when it was simplier and more fun, many times.
ADOM once, with a Grey Elf Wizard,
SewerJacks, about 20 times

Incursion, with an unarmed Kobold berzerker that picked up lightning gauntlets!
My games - Warlock of Firetop Mountain, Warlocks Moutain, StarCraft: Rogue Mercenaries, SewerJacks. I have not got close in IOC and TrollSlayer though, not sure if it is possible to win IOC and I have never tested the endgame.
And too many 7DRLs to mentions. (except linerogue, but man I gave that a good try! )
I have been close with Crawl but alas died attempting to get that orb

I have yet to give Rogue a serious try, but it sounds like I probably should not try, least I end up in an Asylum.