How so? Doesn't sound like too much trouble. Is there some problem with scrolling to other direction in the console output system?
On one hand, the code where the messages are written is disgusting, but that can be overcome. On the other hand, I do not have a really good idea how the messages could we displayed in reverse order.
Given the following example of the current layout
current message: a very long line
that is wrapped
over and over again
older message: bla bla
How would you display that in reverse order?
The first idea would be to show the last line of the newest message at the bottom of the screen and stack the lines in reverse order above that:
older message: bla bla
current message: a very long line
that is wrapped
over and over again
I guess this does not make sense, as you wouldn't know where the current message starts and focus on the message pane for a while.
Having the first line of the newest message start at the bottom and the following line above it is even more illegible:
older message: bla bla
over and over again
that is wrapped
current message: a very long line
That's why I think that showing the messages in reverse order is not easily done. Unless you come up with a better proposal