Author Topic: Janthus - completely procedurally generated multiplayer roguelike  (Read 12720 times)


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What started as a 2D topdown traditional roguelike is now an isometric, smoothscrolling multiplayer world. Everything is procedurally generated:

- the terrain
- the villages
- the NPCs and their conversations

Try it here:

To log in, just press Enter to play as guest when you get to the black login screen.

Click to attack. AWSD QEZC for walking. Shift-left click to use auto-walk (your character will find its way). Right click on things to inspect them.
Kill trolls. And the villagers (or talk to them, ask them "job" to get things started)

Spellcasting: control left click on something, you will shoot it. Press 1, 2 to toggle between spells (only 2 right now). Press shift-C to cast an area spell.

Press enter to get into the global chat; press escape a bunch of times to get out.

FEEDBACK I 'd love:
* what was your rig (specs)
* was it playable - was there an acceptable amount of lag
* what was your FPS (its flashing on the left hand side)
* what part of the world are you from
* what can I do to improve this (remember its just a tech preview)
* try combat with the trolls and with other players (if they are there): does it have an arcadey-feel?

Happy trollblasting.
If you can't actually launch the game, here's a video:


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Janthus - completely procedurally generated multiplayer roguelike
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2011, 02:36:09 AM »
hi, yes it did feel arcadey. I have a thinkpad x41, 2005 laptop (1.6 ghz single core, integrated graphics, 1.5 gb ram). FPS was 9-14. Lag felt OK, I'm in Seattle.

The main thing I didn't like was the map size, I felt like it was too small. The floating hands also felt a little dated and the avatar was kind of strange looking (too 'ken doll' for lack of a better term). I liked the other visuals though. I didn't see villagers as I got stuck in the water and couldn't find a way out, couldn't enter some caves I found, at which point I quit.


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Re: Janthus - completely procedurally generated multiplayer roguelike
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2011, 04:39:46 AM »
Thanks george. Thats a reasonably good middle of the road laptop, i am glad that it didn't feel too laggy. Its actually awesome that lag and stuttering wasn't the main problem for a change.

- When you say map size, do you mean the viewport. Or the actual size of the world?
- The graphics are basically borrowed from Reiner (see Reiner's tilesets) until I can convince a graphic designer to help me out
- The caves have a bug, you're supposed to be able to go up and down into them, thanks for pointing that out

Much appreciated!


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Janthus - completely procedurally generated multiplayer roguelike
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2011, 09:28:41 PM »
Yep, the viewport.


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Re: Janthus - completely procedurally generated multiplayer roguelike
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2011, 02:59:43 AM »
Doh. When I add openGL support, the viewport will be vastly expanded (to fullscreen), so this should improve things alot.


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« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2011, 03:55:51 PM »
FEEDBACK I 'd love:
* what was your rig (specs)
* was it playable - was there an acceptable amount of lag
* what was your FPS (its flashing on the left hand side)
* what part of the world are you from
* what can I do to improve this (remember its just a tech preview)
* try combat with the trolls and with other players (if they are there): does it have an arcadey-feel?

* Macbook Air OS X 10.7.2 (Lion), i5 1.6 GHz 4 GB Ram
* Very playable
* FPS was around 20
* West Coast USA
* Combat: Yes, arcade-y
* Improvements:
(Since this is a tech preview I won't go on about content - unless you want me to)
Obviously the viewport, but if you say that's gonna be fixed I won't really go on about that
Smooth out the animations a bit.  
   ” ”   o RLY?


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Re: Janthus - completely procedurally generated multiplayer roguelike
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2011, 09:36:06 PM »
Alrighty folks -- I made the port to openGL -- WHAT A PAIN IN THE ASS THAT WAS.

I am interested in the same type of feedback as before:

- rig specs
- playable?
- part of the world you are from
- any other suggestions

Also this:

how long did the "loading" screen take before it threw you out to the actual game?