Author Topic: Most essential nethack and crawl commands (more specifically, the keys)?  (Read 10338 times)


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I was wondering what people thought the most essential and frequently used keyboard commands for nethack and or dungeon crawl. About 20 or so commands.

I like to use a gamepad to play roguelikes like frozen depths, hydra slayer, and doomr since I play them on a laptop without a number pad and lack a proper desk to sit at properly to play, so a gamepad is just more comfortable.

Crawl and Nethack have far more commands though so I never really tried mapping the keys to a gamepad yet. Was thinking about trying it out this week. Wanted to get some other peoples input on what the most essential 20 or so commands would be.  
« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 04:33:31 PM by Legend »


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Re: Most essential nethack and crawl commands?
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2011, 11:34:17 PM »
Wow! You're going to map all that in a pad? ·__· Serious Bussiness!

For crawl, off the top of my head:

o : Auto-explore
5 : rest
g? : pick up
< / > : duh
i : inventory
f : fire
 enter: for shooting at max range, " . " : for shooting at that exact square and no further.
z : zap (cast spell) \
a : use ability          |
q : quaff                  } these get you of sticky situations.
V: eVoke                 |
r: read                    /
p: praying (priority depending on god)
Q: quiver
w: wield
W: Wear
m: skill screen (m, wtf?)
M: memorise a spell
F: select item and Fire
%: character sheet
^: religion screen
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Re: Most essential nethack and crawl commands?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2011, 12:19:50 AM »
For nethack, which I think that sadly is less suited to this affair than Crawl (but hey, more of a challenge)

. (wait)
s (search)
o/c (open/close)
k/^D (kick)
, (pick up)
x (switch weapons)
#force (switch to dagger, force, loot. Common for Valkyries :P)
z/Z zap spells or Zap wands
p (pray)
q (quaff)
i (inventory)
f (fire)
d/D (drop/drop menu)
r (read)
</> (well duh)
q/Q (quaff/Quiver)
w/W (wield/Wear)
T (take armor off)
P/R (Put on / Remove jewellery)
« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 12:22:03 AM by Psiweapon »
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Re: Most essential nethack and crawl commands?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2011, 05:11:14 AM »
Thanks for your suggestions psiweapon.

Will probably try them out friday or saturday.

I'm using a program called xpadder to do the mapping. Using a logitech dual action gamepad.

D-pad for orthagonal movement, left analog stick for diagonal movelment, left shoulder for shift, and the other left shoulder as a toggle switch so I can map more keys than the gamepad actually has. I also use the right anolog stick as four buttons. Not that hard overall. Hardest part is trying to remember what button is what key.

This works extremely well for doomrl, frozen depths, hydra slayer, Berserk, and AliensRL.

Besides remembering what key you assign to what button, the hardest part is inventory menus. Some games let you navigate the inventory by using the arrow keys to navigate and enter to select. Unfortunately, nethack requires that you press the letter of the item.  The only way I can see to get around that is to make each alphabetic key correspond to the number on the button (a=1 b=2 c=3 etc) but that would ultimately require using at least 3 different key maps. Personally I would like to keep it to two. 

If anyone else uses xpadder and a logitech dual action gamepad and is interested, I could post my config files for doomrl, hydra slayer, and frozen depths if anyone wants to try. 


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Re: Most essential nethack and crawl commands?
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2011, 11:01:43 PM »
Do you play Mage Guild?

It has arrow-navigable menus.
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Re: Most essential nethack and crawl commands?
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2011, 02:35:52 PM »
Haven't tried mage guild yet. I wish crawl would make the inventory, drinking, equipping, etc menus navigatable with arrow keys like they do for the main menu and character select menus.

I tried mapping out crawl last night for the gamepad. I basically mapped the entire alphabet in in a specific order on all the buttons on the right side of the gamepad so it would be easier to remember and kept the left side reserved for shift, movement, ctrl, and the button to toggle mappings. Have to toggle through 4 mappings to get it all in. Not quite working for me though.

I want to figure out the most needed keys to be pressed so I only have to use 2 mappings. By keeping the movement keys, ctrl, shift, and the toggle button constant, I can fit 26 to 30 keys to assign. I would prefer 26, but would go 30 if I had to. Since I have shift and cntrl as constant, I only need to map certain keys like w for wield or wear once instead of twice.

Was hoping I could get some more suggestions. Not of the exact commands, but more like the main letter, number, or symbol associated with the command. For example. "." is used to Shit+"." is used to go down stairs. So I only need to map the "." key since I already have shift mapped so the same button would also be used for ">" by holding the shift button.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Just looking for Crawl specifically at the moment.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 04:34:15 PM by Legend »