Hey corremn, don't forget that I'm willing to lend you a couple of hands if you want them!
Yo Psiweapon sir,
Yeah your art was really inspiring.
I am getting back to this project after a few months away. I am currently looking at using my existing code to do a 7drl. Don't expect any playable space marines though. Maybe they will feature as enemies, if you get my drift
Maybe we could work together after the 7drl to do some gfx for it
Should be a small contained scope. (as long as you dont mind swamps, fungus and squiggies)
Once I get the 7drl out of the way, I think I will concentrate on a working ASCII demo of WH40k RL to gauge player feedback.
I really need to define the scope of the game before I really require graphics. I dont want to get part of a set, have to change them, want more constantly etc. But if you feel like it you can whip up every race\class combo with every weapon\mutation possible, cos that would be wicked awesome. Shouldn't take you too long....
I have know people who have spent all their money on figurines and lose girlfriends. GW loves people who do that.
I am currently reading the Thanquol and Boneripper series. That really makes me think-think that a warhammer game-rogue would of been a whole-much lot easier-simple to do-make.