did a quick check---spiffy start!
-I'd like a Title screen dump on death versus a "space to end" that has you needing the restart the exe outright. I always hated the program-close dump in Crawl and will always hope them to not be there. Besides, main screens are spiffy...like the crazy one ToME 4 has going!
-Needs to be some kind of default save to disc folder to store the files to that is already there and reckoned with decompressing the archive otherwise it'll eventually lead to some needless clutter. "Replays folder" or some such.
-Similarly, some designation to keep the game versions a replay was recorded under straight so that, if need be, people sharing replays online and whatnot will be able to download the right version of the game.
-A "click to select" interface of some kind for loading replays from disk would be superior to needing to precisely type out whatever it was named to save under.
-In a perfect world, I'd like to see the replay capabilities as a prominently displayed fixture in a title screen for the main .exe---as many people might well treat it as "out of sight, out of mind" otherwise.
Unrelated feedback:
It'd be really swell if there was some way to wrangle things where you could choose to play the game full screen, or as a self-stretchable Window. At a glance, the Window seems to be rather rigid and the default, while not tiny per se, only occupies a chunk of my display. Some sort of launcher aspect before dumping you into the "main game/title screen proper" where one could tweak things would be great.
In a roundabout way, something like this might also serve as another reason for "tile" support, in so much as I could imagine a high-resolution/size ASCII tileset would be of great use to people intending to play the game fullscreen at their native, and likely relatively high as of nowadays, monitor resolution for maximum immersion. Though this is only relevant if you can't get the display and such to auto-scale with just ASCII as it is---not something I've enough technical understanding at present to know.