Author Topic: Vapors of Insanity version 0.56 (June 27, 2012)  (Read 40823 times)


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Re: Vapors of Insanity preview
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2011, 10:38:32 AM »
Starting the tutorial naked and then picking up stuff would probably be better than already having everything you could need since as is I didn't really figure anything out(besides how to move forward in twisty passages) from the tutorial that I wouldn't have quickly figured out without it.

It seems most players think that the interface is hard to use. Probably also a tutorial designed by hand would be better, so that you learn things in a logical order...

After managing to memorize some map I couldn't figure out a way to see it without packing the map again but from the wording I assumed there'd be some way(Looking at the Universe doesn't work, the information isn't in my soul, there isn't a specific key for it, looking at the cells above me doesn't do it)

You can press 'lw' (look-world) to see the world map.

Also how do I charge wands? I tried wielding one in one of my hands for a while but it didn't seem to work.

You need to rest ('.') in order to restore mana, including recharging the wands. Maybe that was the problem? Or maybe it was some strange wand.

Played as artificier for a bit, after my golem killed something I got "You punch the dead human in the head with the left arm." and "The dead human blocks with the bronze spear." messages which probably shouldn't be happening.

Yes, I'll make dead guys no longer able to block. (I think things which should never happen, like dead beings blocking or dodging attacks, currently happen with a very low probability; it should be never.)

Figured out how to fix the golem once it broke but is there any way to do it while it's still alive?

I assume that involved using the forge, and the golem did not want to stay in the forge to let itself be fixed? I'll make  a way to force the golem in the forge, thanks.

Also not having any idea what the golem was doing while moving forward was a bit unnerving so I hope there's some way to track beings outside your field of view.

OK, I'll add some way to command all your slaves at once (including the ones out of sight), so you can call all of them back to you.

Then I made a silly mistake of forgetting my entanglement thing while trying to forget spells I tried to make based on some equipment, so "Are you sure?" prompt for forgetting importantish skills might be nice.

Right, thanks. (You are not allowed to forget skills which have some XP assigned to them, but Entanglement does not need any XP, so yes, it is currently possible to forget it.)

Then I decided to try being a knight which I found a bit boring as there wasn't that much to do other than just following the road to closest village("g" imho should move along the roads like it does in twisty passages) and to decide when to stop to rest and whether to use some of the orbs I found on the enemies.(with them I managed to teleport my sword a little bit and make a chimpanzee helmet)

Yes, I think magic-based characters are more interesting than melee-based ones. Good idea about 'g'.

I'm not really sure how do I get experience, after my initial free exp got assigned or just disappeared or something it seems to be staying at around -4 and none of my skills appear to be changing(could be that I just didn't play long enough).

I think you were not playing long enough. Currently you get lots of experience initially, so you will need to travel to more challenging places before you get any more.

Also my computer is a bit old and so the game runs a bit slow for me, are there any settings or something that might improve the performance?

I don't think so, sorry...

Anyway I'm really looking forward to seeing how this develops.

Thanks for your comments! I am sure there are lots of bugs more...


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Re: Vapors of Insanity preview
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2011, 10:17:37 PM »
I have released a new version (second preview).

Includes VaporGS development tools, some interface improvements, improvements based on comments I have received so far, a new tutorial, and many more minor or bigger changes. See the blog for more details.


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Re: Vapors of Insanity preview
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2011, 01:30:42 AM »
Wow, quite a changelog there---surprised to see this meaty a package shot out to the world BEFORE ARRP 2011.   ;)

Keep at it and I reckon it likely indeed that this will get "up there" with the current and long-standing "Major" Roguelikes at this rate.
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Re: Vapors of Insanity preview
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2011, 08:26:47 AM »
A nice update! Nice with the development tool for us who can't make our own roguelikes from scratch. Thanks for keeping up the development!!


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Re: Vapors of Insanity preview
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2011, 08:48:51 AM »
I plan to have the next version ready for ARRP 2011, but I suppose the development rate will decrease after that... But we will see.

Thanks Jocke, but I think it will still be quite some time before the development tools become easy enough to use :)


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Re: Vapors of Insanity version 0.52 (ARRP 2011)
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2011, 09:11:37 PM »
Just press Enter after pressing the number. (I see I forgot to mention it on the website, but it appears in the tutorial, and also in the help that you get by pressing F1.)


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Re: Vapors of Insanity version 0.52 (ARRP 2011)
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2011, 09:58:23 PM »
Aw sorry. I've looked at the keys help, to confirm it was with the comma (and to check the written story intro! ;)), but didn't see it and it never crossed my mind that hitting enter was required.
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Re: Vapors of Insanity version 0.52 (ARRP 2011)
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2011, 10:18:49 PM »
Whoa, finally able to play a bit! :D

It's really cool... and strangely immersive!

It's got a good mix of classical and refreshing features, and the outdoors environment is a HUGELY ENJOYABLE CHANGE.

Also, I love the little hexes, and the simple, plain color sprites :)

I'm now reading the "interface basics" part of the manual, and I will probably read most if not all of it.

Congratulations, Z, this one is a lovely game  :)
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Re: Vapors of Insanity version 0.52 (ARRP 2011)
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2011, 10:44:53 PM »
Thanks a lot, after your two problems, I expected I will get only problems from you ;) (But of course tell me if you run into any more problems ;) )


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Re: Vapors of Insanity version 0.52 (ARRP 2011)
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2011, 04:28:56 AM »
This looks like an extremely promising rl, and I already want to keep playing, but I have some questions.

1. Where did the orbs I picked up go?  I picked up one inside my house and one just outside, but they do not show up in my "orb bag"

2. How do I look at/use my skills?  I can't remember what it said in the manual, and the keylisting you get from help doesn't seem to include skills.


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Re: Vapors of Insanity version 0.52 (ARRP 2011)
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2011, 08:39:01 AM »
1. I don't know what you are doing wrong, they should appear in the "orb bag".  When you pick up, the message should say, "You put the copper orb into the orb leather bag." (Press 'rr' to see the contents of the orb bag and rub one of the orbs.)

2. You get a list of your skills by pressing 'a' ("Abilities and skills", which is included in the keylisting), so you can use them with 'fa' (default use) or 'ua' (any use), configure them with 'Ca', etc. This list does not include spells (for them use 'fz') and memorized things which are neither skills nor spells, like the Rune of Concatenation (for them use 'fo').

Thanks for playing!


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Re: Vapors of Insanity version 0.52 (ARRP 2011)
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2011, 09:36:14 PM »
Wow, I agree with Krice about the UI... I never agree with Krice, so either the End Times are upon us, or it may be something to look into.

I'm sure I'll eat my words as soon as I have the time needed to figure out the game and realize how majestic it is, but so far my experience has consisted of stumbling around the room and bumping into walls.


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Re: Vapors of Insanity version 0.52 (ARRP 2011)
« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2011, 10:14:45 PM »
Figured it out, I pocketed the orbs by mistake.  I'm starting to get a handle on how to do everything, but I'm now wondering how you access saved games other than your most recent one.  I have several characters currently alive, they even show up on the scores as such, but whenever I select load game, it goes automatically to the most recently played character.  How do I adjust this?


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Re: Vapors of Insanity version 0.52 (ARRP 2011)
« Reply #28 on: September 30, 2011, 08:13:03 AM »
Jim, have you tried the tutorial?

Archaalen, support for running multiple characters simultaneously is not good yet... Sorry, your other characters are probably lost. Forgot about this (as I always run just one), will be fixed in the next version. The main part of the savegame is the universe file, so you need to change the universe filename in order to have multiple characters (and the player character name currently needs to be changed too).


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Re: Vapors of Insanity version 0.53 (ARRP 2011)
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2011, 12:20:14 AM »
Version 0.53 is released!

As mentioned on the blog, unfortunately I have not had not enough time recently to work on VoI. Still, I have made some progress, and I have decided that I should release what I have instead of waiting until I have time to develop more. I am quite tired now, but I hope nothing is seriously broken.